Chapter 11

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Hiccup and the other riders all opened fire at the fleet, burning down masts and destroying the catapults. Koda's army retaliated, firing flaming projectiles at the dragon riders. With amazing skill, Hiccup and the others dodged the projectiles. Toothless fired a plasma blast, obliterating a smaller ship and sending its passengers flying into the water. Gobber and Fishlegs ushered their dragons to fire multitudes of fireballs at the boats, setting them aflame.

"THIS IS AMAZING!" Gobber shouted. He and Fishlegs dodged another set of flaming projectiles, laughing at the soldiers' feeble attempts to shoot them down. Hookfang and Snotlout dived onto a boat, the latter blasting fire at the small boat and sinking it with little trouble.

"SNOTLOUT, SNOTLOUT! OYE! OYE! OYE!" Snotlout cried out. Hiccup and Astrid, accompanied by the twins, circled around the main ship, blasting several holes in the deck.

"Ruffnut, Tuffnut, do your thing!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"You got it!" Tuffnut replied. The twins directed Barf and Belch towards a ship, hollering loudly. Barf spewed out green gas all over the ship, signaling Belch to ignite the gas with his sparks. The sparks and flammable gas created a gigantic explosion that obliterated the boat.

"YEAH!" The twins shouted, head-butting each other.


As the Dragon Riders took down the fleet via air, the Berkians took the fight to Koda's soldiers on foot. Both sides clashed ferociously, like two elephants ramming each other. Swords struck swords, axes swung against axes, and hammers smashed with hammers. Stoick charged through Koda's army, bulldozing through Koda's men with his hammer. He grabbed a swordsman and knocked him out with a single punch. Before Stoick could attack anyone else, the roof to the main ship blew open. Roaring with fury, Koda's dragon bursted out of its holding cell with the armored man mounted on its neck. The Dragon Riders hovered over the area as they spotted the dragon.

"That's a... that's a Smoldering Flamewing! They're Stoker class dragons that were rumored to be extinct!" Fishlegs exclaimed.

"Well, clearly Koda got his hands on this one..." Hiccup said. The Smoldering Flamewing roared as it flapped its massive wings, flying over Berk. With a snarl, the dragon opened its jaws and unleashed a fuming torrent of fire on the village. The houses and other buildings were inmediately destroyed by the blast.

"LET BERK TASTE THE FLAMING SENSATION OF DEFEAT!!!" Koda yelled, directing his dragon's fire to the Berkians. The Berkian vikings moved out of the way, barely dodging certain death.

"Koda's attacking the village! Direct your fire on him!!" Hiccup commanded, ushering Toothless attack the Smoldering Flamewing. Toothless divebombed Koda and his dragon, sending the Smoldering Flamewing tumbling towards the ground. Enraged, the dragon roared and blasted fire at the riders. Astrid and Stormfly tried to dodge, but the fire blasted Stormfly on her side, accidentally throwing Astrid off her back. Astrid plummeted towards the ground, screaming. Luckily, Toothless grabbed her by the foot. He looked down, giving Astrid a gummy smile. Astrid returned the gesture with a smile of her own. Toothless dropped Astrid off on the ground before flying towards Koda. Hiccup grabbed a rock from his pouch and threw it at Koda, hitting the man's shoulder. Koda yelled angrily as he looked up at Toothless and Hiccup.

"YOU WANT TO KILL ME, KODA?! WELL, HERE I AM!!" Hiccup shouted. Koda gritted his teeth angrily.

"AFTER THAT BOY!!" Koda ordered. The Smoldering Flamewing roared as it took off into the sky, chasing after Hiccup and Toothless.

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