AN ~ Middle Names

978 18 31

So this is my new story, it sorta ties into my 'Ninjago high school' story, but you don't have to read that series if you don't want to because it's not really important for this series.

But imma give you a tad bit of background info for ya. Basically, the team went to school and once they graduated, then all that happened from season one onwards happened, you get me? But the pilot episodes didn't happen Kk? Cool bean.

Soooo, for the kids (which their descriptions will be on the next chapter) i need middle names. I have there first names, but I want to dedicate some of the kids to my readers, if you get what I mean. So if you want your name (or any name) as a middle name, tell me in the comments below and I will most likely use it and give you a shout out as well. Here's what's on offer:

Lloyd and Harumi (Right, so the reason I've changed this is because Harumi is Lloyd's love interest, regardless of what you guys think or what she did, coz Lloyd did like her at one point, but before some of you wanna chop my head off, that doesn't necessarily mean I ship them, coz I'm undecided on that matter, but you can't mess with facts (but in this story, she didn't turn bad Kk?))
Two girls
One boy

Zane and Pixal
One girl (adopted)

Seliel and Cole
Two boys

Jay and Nya
One girl
One boy

Skylor and Kai
One boy
One girl

Some of you will get first dibs, purely because I've already promised it to them, (and I'm not one for braking my promises) and they've liked and commented on pretty much all my previous chapters on other books. So if you don't get the kid you want, don't worry because you will most likely get another one.

Also, I realise most of you reading this are girls, (not being sexist, it's just facts) so please put boys names aswell as girls names. Much appreciated.

So, this book isn't gonna start straight away because I still need to figure out a plot and a villain and other boring stuff, so please don't be expecting chapters straight away.

But I will need the middle name suggestions pretty quickly so you have a week (maybe more) from when this is published to submit your suggestions.

Also please don't forget to say which kid you want for you name.

That's it........ thanks for reading 💖💗💖💗

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