Chapter 2 ~ Prologue

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A/N : So this is part of my Birthday present to you guys, because today on the 29th of May is mah BIRTHDAY!! 🎉🎉🎉 yayayayay!! Finally 15 years old!! So I'm giving you this chapter, another one from this book and lengthy chapter on my other book 'The final Battle', please go check it out on my profile! Luv ya 💙💙


Ten teenagers stood outside their high school, each dressed in a dark blue garments and clutched a scroll of which contained their well-deserved diplomas. High school is hard enough as it is, but being Ninjago city's secret vigilantes working night and day, whenever danger arose, made passing their end of year exams near to impossible. On top of that, thanks to them saving the city on a regular basis, they had made quite the fan base, and one of the most inquisitive mysteries the citizens of Ninjago loved to ponder were the identities of the ten saviours. Unfortunatley some reporters went to extreme lengths to uncover them, but none of their genious plans outsmarted that of Zanes interlect, who was quick to sense any hiden cameras or recorders, and warn the others.

The day had finally come where the heros high school life had ended, and as most, if not all, ex-students busled out of the building, draging their photo-adicted parents along with them, in a hurried attemt to leave the building and never come back, the ten teenagers in their civilian form hesitated to leave. Knowing this was the place where most of their best and worse moments happened haulted them in their tracks. Sad smiles were etched upon their faces as they looked at one another for what was the last time before parting ways and starting the next chapter of their lives. They stood just outside the building, just before the steps walked them down to the pavement.

"So, this is it?" A small ginger haired boy breathed, glancing at the tall pillars holding up the over lapping front of the school, before returning his gaze to his friends. "No more high school, no more seeing each other everyday, no more skipping class, no more detentions or pop quizzes, no more... us?"

"I guess so," Another boy spoke after a couple of beats, his icy white hair stuck was stuck up straight, in a normally messy manner but somehow he made it look ultra-smart, "But remember," He continued, "We still have the entire summer to hang out"

"I know," The ginger haired boy responed quietly, " But this place-"

"Has alot of memories,"  A girl with raven hair cut in, to which the first boy nodded slowly. "I mean, this is where we first discovered we had elemental powers" The girl continued.

"Yeah, not to mention defeated the over lord and countless other villians" A boy with brown hair that stuck up in odd angles chipped in; chucklering quietly to himself in rememberance of all there adventures.

The group became quiet after that, all reminiscing over their collective past victories.

"I'm sure gonna miss you guys" A pink haired girl spoke, her arms wrapped around a muscular boy with black hair for both warmth against the cold breeze and comfort as tear formed in her eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey," The black haired boy whispered, pulling his girlfriend in closer, "We still have the whole summer be with each other"

The  pink Haired girl nodded silently.

"Yeah, and anyway, don't think that when we all go our separate ways to university, we wont still be friends, We'll have regular get-togethers, every weekend," A silver haired girl replied. She stood next to white haired boy, their hands and fingers intertwined, "And our kids will be friends, that im sure of."

"Yeah, but we won't see each other, like, at all until we're done with university" sighed a girl with scarlet red hair, styled high in a ponytail.

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