Chapter 4 ~ The letter ~ Pt. 1

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A/N - Right, so I know I said I won't be able to update (if your reading my other book) because I wasn't allowed to take my phone on holiday because "technology ruins family time" but turns out that my MUM took her phone with her and I downloaded Wattpad on her phone a little while ago so I took it last night and wrote a chapter for you. Your welcome. But I won't be able to update as regularly because sleep is sooooo important to me and I can't stay up every night writing chapters, but I'll try my best. And I would of updated my other book, but I'm still struggling to end my other book in an AWESOME way so you'll have to put up with a chapter on this book, Kk? Anyway, on with Da Chapter.......

It was finally the weekend. The time when most teenagers would forget the dreads of school and party all night long. But not for JJ and Ash. With their limitations of friends, they never got invited to parties and we're almost never asked on dates. The only times they ever attended a party was when of of their siblings were hosting it, but even then they hardly stayed long because of the awkwardness.

The two teenagers were walking there normal route home, and as per normal, JJ was rambling on about the weirdest things. They got to their splitting point and went their separate ways home.

JJ practically skipped all the way home, his blue bag bopping up and down.

As he reached his house, he darted inside and headed straight for his games console, but was stopped by his mother.

"JJ, have you done your homework?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Moooooom! I just got in! Just give me 10 minutes to play the new game dad got. Pleeeeeeease!" JJ begged. She sighed.

"Fine. 10 minutes, no more" she said sternly before heading out of the games room, but briefly stopped at the door "What game has your father brought now?"

"Oh, He got fist 2 face 23!!" Her son replied, grabbing the disk container and showing his mother.

"23? Huh... I remember when fist 2 face 2 came out, my brother was amazing at it" Nya sighed remembering the memory of so long ago.

"Brother? You mean the one that died 25 years ago?" JJ questioned.

"Er- y-yeah um, th-that one" Nya said, tripping up on her words, "Well, have fun playing!"

Once Nya walked out the room, she pressed her body up against the wall and slid down it.

"It's not fair...." she whispered to herself.

JJ chucked his bag off and opened the disk container. Inside was the shiny new CD. Plucking it out of its container, he shuffled towards the game console and ejected the slot. But instead of it being empty, there was a small note, folded up several times.

He uneasily took the note and opened it up. Inside was messily written message which read:

Dear Son Of Lightning,
Video Games have always been your fathers weakness, and apparently that trait has been passed down.
Your parents are lying to you, their are secrets which they wish for you to never know. But I see differently and wish you to know the truth and claim your birth right.
Meet me at the north pier at Midnight, to understand the full extent of your destiny, tell no one and come alone.

"Tell no one?" JJ mused to himself before grabbing his phone and calling Ash.

"What?" Ash answered after several rings.

"I just got a note from someone, they hid it in my games console and I have to meet them at-"

"Midnight? Yeah, I got the same note" Ash said, cutting JJ off.

"So, what time?"


"What time are we meeting to go to the pier?" JJ repeated.

"Are you crazy? We can't just go somewhere in the middle of the night to meet someone we don't know anything about! They could be a serial killer for all we know!" Ash shouted through the phone.


"JJ, how many times do I need to tell you? There are such things as bad people who will do anything for money, including send cryptic notes to teenagers so they can kidnap them and demand a ransom!"

Their argument went of for another 20 minutes before Ash finally gave in and decided to meet up 20 minutes pryer to the designated time at JJ's house since it was closer in proximity.

Once the called ended, JJ fist bumped the air, pocketed the note and began to play his new game.

-_/ 10 minuets earlier \_-

Ashlynn slowly walked home, her pace quickening the closer she got.

Digging around in her bag, she retrieved her house key and let herself in. For the next few hours she would be home alone, since her brother was at football practise and both her parents were probably stuck at work.

She dumped her stuff of the table and dug through her bag until she found her phone. Once retrieved, her went up to her room and sat in her desk stool. Ash powered up her computer and began to finish the photography project she'd been working on for the past month. All awhile, completely oblivious to the folded piece of paper laying on her pillow.

After a few minutes of typing away, Ash turned around in her stool, looking for some kind of inspiration for her project. That was, until, her eyes caught the note lying on her pillow.

A sense of fear spread through her body as she recalled being the last one to leave the house this morning, as her parent went to work early, and the first one to get in since then. Someone had been in her house. Someone unwelcome.

Ash shot up and ran threw the house, looking for any kind of evidence of a break in. But no windows were smashed and every window and door was locked. So how had this intruder got in and out of the house? Or have they still yet to leave and lurking in an obscure hiding spot?

Ash pushed those thoughts aside and returned to her room. The note still lay their, unopened.

She crept up to her bed and steadily reached for the paper. Opening it cautiously, it read:

Dear Daughter Of Fire,
So much like your farther, unable to harness the fire within you.
Your parents are lying to you, their are secrets which they wish for you to never know. But I see differently and wish you to know the truth and claim your birth right.
Meet me at the north pier at 12 o'clock, to understand the full extent of your destiny, tell no one and come alone.

"Fire within me?" Ash asked herself, zoning out in deep thought.

She jumped back into reality as her phone started to ring. It was either one of her parents calling to say they're going to be late home, or JJ, no one else ever called her. Well, apart from the occasional call from her brother.

Ash leaned over to her bedside table and grabbed her phone. The called ID read JJ and a picture of her and him at the cinema making silly faces showed up.

After a long winded argument about whether or not to go to the pier, Ash ended the call with her losing.

Ash groaned, and since having nothing better to do, she continued to work on her project, the thought of someone breaking in still lingering in the back of her mind, keeping her senses to high alert.

Ohhhhh, secret letters?!? Any theories on who delivered them?

Chapter 5 coming soon!!

Thanks for reading 💗💖💗💖

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