Chapter 3 ~ Social lives

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A/N : As you probably read on my the other chapter, this is my birthday present for you guys!! Hope you enjoy!!


Ashlynn slammed her locker door shut and leaned up against it. She sighed, tilting her head so it rested upon her cold, blue locker. The halls were littered with her fellow students, all trapped under one roof till the end of the day. In her arms, she clutched her A4 notepad and books for her up coming lessons.

She was in no way popular, and had hardly any friends, in fact, she only had one friend. But she always thought that one true friend was better than loads of phoney friends. Her brother for example, Blake, had tons of friends and was super popular. But in Ashlynn's opinion, being popular is just a chore. Always having to be prettiest, the smartest, the best at everything, it was a good thing her brother is naturally good at everything. At least that's what he keeps telling her.

"Yo, Ash!" A boy with black hair flicked to the side and deep blue eyes spoke, waving his hand in front of the red heads face. His shoulder leaning up against Ashlynn's neighbouring locker, which just happens to be his. He grumbled to himself when she didn't respond and continued to day dream. "Ninjago to Ash! Your best, and only, might I add, friend is in need of your attention!"

Ashlynn, or rather as she's preferred to go by, Ash, snapped out of her daze and moved her gaze to the boy.

"Hey JJ" She answered, forcing a smile upon her face. "What's up?"

JJ opened his mouth to say something before quickly shutting it and adjusting his blue beanie and smothing out his blue jacket. Ash gave him a questionable look before glancing over her shoulder and saw the suspect guilty of making JJ loose track of his currant thought and act strangely.

Ever since she could remember, JJ had had a massive crush on this popular girl called Nora. She had natural pastel purple hair and was a big supporter of sports. She played in every school sports team, and subsequently was the captain of both the soccer and lacrosse team. The only team event where she wasn't known as the best, was football. But coincidentally, her older brother, Carter filled in there. And that's where Ash's interests come in. She didn't care much for the sport, never really did, however, her interests spiked when Carter was playing. Whenever a game was held, she would always drag JJ down to watch. Like her, JJ hated football, but also on the team was Nora, so he happily came along.

She returned her gaze back to her best friend, who was now in striking a 'biker boy' model pose. Ash looked up and down at JJ's hilarious attempt to impress Nora. Unfortunately, the attempt was gone unnoticed as Nora and a couple of jocks continued to walk down the hall, completely oblivious to Ash and JJ.

"She will notice one day" JJ sighed dreamily, his eyes following Nora down the hall. Ash let out a small chuckle and gently shook her head.

"I'm sure she will, I'm sure she will" Ash said, rolling her eyes at her love struck friend. But in reality, JJ has as much chance with Nora as she does with Carter. Of course, she would never say that to him, being his only friend, she would hate to kill his confidence. Although, he still would be head over heels in love with her, even if she did say it. "Anyway, what did you want to say?"

"Oh! Yeah! Ummm........ hold on.... Ugghh it's in the tip of my tongue." JJ groaned, squeezing his head as if it would just pop out. He makes the strangest faces when trying to remember important information. "Nah..... I forgot" He shrugged.

Ash groaned and facepalmed.

"No! Wait! I remember!" He yelped happily. A few moments passed before Ash's impatience got the best of her.

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