Chapter 5 ~ The Letter ~ Pt. 2

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So I had a spur of inspiration for this book, (plus someone PMed me to write another chapter, you know who you are 😉) But I decided to write another chappy on this book, so enjoy......

Btw, this isn't spell checked, grammar checked or anything checked, coz.... well.... coz lazy.

No one's POV

A black jeep pulled up in front of a brightly lit cinema, taking a vacant car space near the back. Four teenagers sat inside and eagerly exited the vehicle and walked into the cinema.

"So, what'cha wanna watch?" Ryder asked.

"I don't mind, let's see what's playing and then decide" Taylor suggested.

"Good idea, hey! I forgot to say, I invited some of our other friends to tag along, is that alright?" Crystal asked a nervous smile etched on her face.

"Sure, who'd you invite?" Naomi asked, scratching her chin and looking at the movies available to watch.

"Oh. My. God! WE HAVE TO WATCH THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE!! PLEEEEEASE?! JUJU? WHERE DID YOU GO?!" A loud voice shouted from behind the quartet.

Ryder was the first to turn around, and on doing so, immediately facepalmed. Behind them stood a hyper, black haired girl with violet eyes.

"You had to invite hyper one didn't you?" He asked rhetorically.

"Lillian! Get back here!" Another voice shouted from behind the girl in question. "Oh, hey, guys!" JuJu, a curly dark brown haired girl said, giving a small wave and an apologetic look for their hyper friend.

"Hey JuJu!" Crystal said, as she embraced her friend and started chatting with her.

Ryder and Taylor shared a nervous glance, accidentally catching eye contact, before looking away in fear of their prominent blush.

Taylor, being the shy girl that she is, decided to step away from this scene and watch from a distance. She walked over to one of the old arcade games, tempted to waste her money playing for one of the stuffed animals, but decided against it as she didn't have any spare money to spend because she was saving it for the film.

Taylor stuffed her hands into her pockets and sighed, tilting her head to the side as she did so. She furrowed her eyebrows and straightened her head as she felt a crinkle of a piece of paper in her pocket. She slowly pulled her hand back out, bringing the piece of paper along with it and held it level with her eyesight. She squinted at it, unsure whether or not to open it. She couldn't recall if she was the one who had put it in her pocket or not. Taylor shrugged off the odd feeling she got and proceeded to open the neatly folded note. Inside it read:

Dear Daughter of Light Energy,
           Being shy of the person you like is definitely a gene passed down from your father.
            Your parents are lying to you, there are secrets which they wish for you to never know. But I see differently and wish you to know the truth and claim your birthright.
             Meet me at the north pier at 12 o'clock, to understand the full extent of your destiny, tell no one and come alone.

Taylors breath hitched as she finished reading the note. She hadn't realized how distracted she was until a hand gripped her shoulder, normally that wouldn't scare her, but this time it took all her willpower not to spin around and slap whoever the hand belonged to.

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