Chapter 6 ~ The Letter ~ Pt. 3

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So, um, I know I need to finish The final Battle, but I can't stop writing this book, I will finish it, but for now, here's a chapter on this book.

Also real quick, if you've ever seen Teen Wolf, then you have an advantage. The Coach in this book, relates a lot (almost as if I copied the character entirely XD) to Coach Finstock in teen wolf, so you'll understand the way he talks in my book. Btw, if any of you have seen TeenWolf, then we will be friends for life XD. Anywho, on with the story......

"Blake! I'm open, pass the ball!" Liam shouted over the hubbub of the sports field.

"Coming in hot!" He replied, sending the ball hurrling towards Liam. "Just like yours truly" He added cockily, flashing a smile to all the cheerleaders, to which they squealed in response.

"Your so full of it Blake!" Carter shouted, intercepting the ball and kicking it to his sister, leaving Blake grumbling to himself.

Nora dribbled the ball in the other direction, to which she left Liam, Blake and the other players on the red team dumbfounded and trying to keep up. She smirked and a swift kick later the score was finally all tied up. The green team cheered and a round of bro hugs and high fives where shared between them.

"Alright, settle down you tweebs!" Coach called from the far side of the pitch. To call Coach wacky would have been an understatement, he's severely eccentric and had an often sarcastic hint to he voice. "Big deal! They scored a point, well guess what?! That crappy playing won't get us into the winning circle of the regional trophy, now will it?"

The whole team rolled there eyes and mentally groaned. Coach was by far the craziest being alive.

"There were a lot of things that went wrong, for example: BLAKE!!" He yelled suddenly, "your arrogance is something to admire, but please, don't bring that crap down on your teammates! Use it when where up against a proper team!" Coach said, calling out each of our flaws. "Liam, your mistake was passing it to the arrogant one!" He shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Blake, who shrugged helplessly.

Blake and Liam shared a look of humour towards Coach.

"Alright, get outta 'ere ya tweebs! I have a date with my TV and a medium size double cheese pizza," He said, making circular motions on his belly with his hand.

The soccer team hesitated, before wandering off into the changing rooms. All the boys hurriedly got changed and barrelled our the door, leaving only three boys left: Liam, Blake and Carter.

"Are you guys going to Dylan's party tonight?" Liam asked his friends once the last of the boys had left and closed the door behind him.

"Dude, not going would be social suicide," Carter replied, pulling on a emerald green tee that hug snugly to his body. "Of course I'm going"

"Sweet, I'll pick you up at 9, Blake, you need a ride?" Liam asked.

"Sure, my dad should be cool with it" Blake answered, fixing his hair in the mirror.

"Okay, cool, I'll pick Carter up first, then swing by to yours," Liam stated, addressing Blake. "Catch ya later guys" He added, making his way through the door.

"See ya later" Blake and Carter said in union.

The two remaining boys finished packing up there stuff and also headed for the door. The school corridor was dark, as it was after hours, and the only noise came from their scuffling feet.

"Man, this place sure is creepy at night" Blake said, as they proceeded through the corridor.

"You got that right" Carter said chuckling nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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