Chapter 5

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After the last visit, Niall and I had texted nonstop. He even called sometimes and Eli and him would talk for a bit which I always found cute because they talked about Toy Story and Winnie the Pooh a lot.

It was night now and Eli was playing with one of his playmates, Piper's daughter named Megan. Piper was sitting next to me in the kitchen on one of the barstools.

Piper was older than me by 5 years and we ended up being best friends because she used to buy bread from my parents bakery when we were little. One thing came to another and we ended up playing together and BANG best friends. She had long ginger hair which she almost always pinned up, bright blue eyes, and prominent cheek bones.

"When's your next gig?" Piper asked as she sipped on the tea I made her.

"Later," I said. "It's at the Le Montoir. You could watch the kids for me right, Pipes?"

She scrunched up her nose at the choice of nickname. "Yeah, whatever. Just don't call me Pipes again."

I laughed and got up from the bar stool and headed to my room. I grabbed my cardigan and put it over my shirt. I grabbed my bag and my phone and headed out. Piper was watching the kids play with blocks. I ruffled Eli's hair and he looked up at me from his multi-colored building.

"Where are you going, mummy?" he asked. I smiled at him.

"I'm off to sing again," I told him and pointed to Piper. "Auntie Piper is going to take care of you and Megan. Be a good boy and listen to her, okay?"

"Okay," Eli said, moving back to his blocks.

"Good," I said and leaned my cheek to his face. "Now give me a kiss before I go."

He kissed my cheek extra loudly and I laughed and kissed his cheeks too. I stood up and went to the door and waved.

"Bye, big guy!" I said. "Bye, Megan. And you better feed them, Pipes!"


"Bye Auntie Savvy!"


I just laughed when I closed the door to my flat. I walked down the hallway to the elevator and went down to the ground floor and out the door.

I set off down the street and wrapped my cardigan tighter around my torso. It was chilly for six in the evening. Some teenage girls I passed by were gawking at me strangely. I still found it extremely weird after a week of it. One time at a the grocery, I was at the checkout counter and a group of girls walked up to me and asked me for a picture with them. It was really weird since I wasn't some sort of celebrity but they were pretty excited to see me and kept giggling and squealing, "It's Savannah! I can't believe it!"

Sometimes some girls just glared at me and flipped me off which I always found odd since I did absolutely nothing to them. It hurt me but I always just walked ahead and tried to ignore them which really wasn't an easy job since some girls do tend to shout profanities at me and all I want to do is bludgeon them with a stick. I found that impulse odd too. I was never violent and those impulses scared me.

After about 30 minutes of walking, I got to the Le Montoir. I didn't walk through the main entrance though. I went to the alley beside it and an employee's entrance was illuminated by a faint light bulb above it. I climbed the small flight of stairs to it and opened the door. I arrived in a long hallway full of lockers. The whole hallway really smelled oddly of rotten eggs. I greeted a few employees and a few smiled back.

I was kind of relieved my boss didn't think much of the fiasco about Niall. When he talked to me about it, he said, "It's good publicity for the hotel. Once they get wind that you sing here, more clients would flood into the doors."

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