Chapter 6

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"Niall," I said warily with a quiver in my voice. I had never been more nervous before. I felt like I was about to wet my pants. I was shaking from head to toe. The paparazzi continued to snap photos of us, blinding us with the bright lights.

Niall didn't answer me, he just tucked me under his arm and turned me around and walked down the corridor briskly. The paparazzi followed us down the corridor but Niall didn't stop to look behind us, he just continued walking forward with a hard determined expression on his face.

"What do we-?"

Niall cut me off. "Shh," he whispered. "Cover your face."

The paps followed us, shouting a couple of questions at us. With each step we take, our pace quickened. He led me back towards the bistro and rushed in with me, and I struggled to match his lengthy strides. The One Direction boys stood quickly after catching sight of Niall's facial expression. The quick moving bodyguards started rushing to the door to block the paps way to get in. My boys wore alarmed expressions on their faces and rushed to us.

Cliff whistled. "Whoa, Savvy, you're world famous in less than a minute."

Lewis grinned. "Tell us, how do you do it? Is it the blonde hair? Should I dye my hair blonde?"

"Shut it, you asses," Brandon said jokingly. I sent Brandon a thankful smile and grimaced at the others while the One Direction boys hurried to our side.

"What's happened?" The guy with the brown hair - was it Liam? I wasn't sure - said with concern on his face. "How did the paps get in?"

"I don't know," Niall said quickly. "Lets just get out of here."

"I know a way!" Cliff piped up excitedly. "Come on!"

He spun around like the girl he was and hurried down the bistro towards the door leading to the kitchens. He opened the door and led us towards our small dressing room and locked us in.

"We'll be safe here," he said happily as he glanced around the cramped room. All of us were squished in like sardines actually. Brandon started biting his lip.

"But we need to finish the performance," he said nervously.

"Don't worry," I spoke up. "I'll explain the situation to Mr. Jamison."

"Yeah I guess he'll listen to you," Lewis said.

"Yeah he practically worships you," Cliff added.

"Shut up."

"Who might you guys be?" Liam asked.

"Us?" Lewis said, feigning surprise. "You don't know us?" He started gasping and sobbing into Cliff's shoulder screaming, "Lord forgive their poor souls!"

"Oh shush, Lewis, you little shit," Brandon said and extended his hand to Liam. "I'm Brandon, that's Lewis-" Lewis waves- "And that's Cliff." Cliff just smirks at them.

Lewis jumps forward, pulling the four of us together. "And we're QUASIMODA!"

"You know, like Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame," I murmured my old catchphrase with a small smile.

"That's really punny," the guy with the shaggy brown hair stated with a big grin. Was his name something like Louis? "You know since 'quattuor' is Latin for four and you guys are four and your name is QUAsimoda. And wasn't I punny too since I changed the f in the word funny to mea-"

His bandmates looked at him, raising their eyebrows. The guy with the quiff smirked. "That's deep."

"Okay, Louis, we get it," Liam said, rolling his eyes whilst wearing an amused smirk on his lips.

"Who knew Louis held that much information about etymology." Niall whistled.

"Was that an insult?" the guy with the curls - Harry - wrapped an arm around Louis. Liam cleared his throat.

"Don't mind them," Liam said calmly. "They're all just gay for each other, I'm Liam." He sent the guys a smile before introducing the others. "This is Louis, Zayn -" he pointed to the guy with the quiff. "Niall, and Harry."

"And we're One Direction!" Niall bellowed in his announcer voice. A small smile spread across my lips.

My boys glanced at each other and burst out laughing. They stopped suddenly and said in unison, "WE KNOW."

"Cliff's a fan," Brandon pointed to Cliff who mock-punched Brandon's shoulder.

"My daughters are, idiot," he said matter-of-factly.

"Well," Louis said. "Let's toast to that!"

"DRINKS ON ME!" Zayn bellowed.


The next morning came way too fast. Niall had dropped me off to my apartment a few minutes past midnight. I had to smile when I saw Piper fast asleep on the couch with an open book at her lap. The two children I had left her with had fallen asleep beside her, nuzzling up to each of her sides. I decided to let the mother and daughter sleep here while I tucked Eli into his bed.

When I woke up, I shared a cup of coffee with Piper and sifted through Twitter. Last night's fiasco had spread like wildfire over the pacific and into the whole world. I was impressed at how fast the paparazzi could work with gossip. 

This piece of news got me a bit nervous. Directioners would start to cause havoc again and I didn't want that to happen. I was reading tweet after tweet of heartbroken girls over our relationship with Niall and I was sorry. Incredibly sorry but I couldn't escape the feelings in my chest whenever I saw Niall walk into the room. 

Before Niall left, he told me one piece of quick advice. He said,

"They're going to try and tear us apart, but just remember, we're strong Sav, okay?"

I appreciated the way he said "we're strong", not "you're strong". It meant he was with me on this. It meant he believed in us, even if he was going away in a short while. It meant he wanted us to stay together.

Nothing else could break my hopes. 



I am so terribly sorry, friends. It's been almost 8 months since my last update and I swear you could throw anything ranging from frying pans to atomic bombs at me. I would happily take my most deserved punishment from you patient people of Wattpad.

To be honest, I had a big bout of writers block and I rewrote this chapter again and again and my mind was confuzzled and I'm not going to make excuses for my long absence. I deserve to be kicked in the shins right now. 

Whew, this update was long overdue. And I'm so sorry. 

So please forgive me? :)

Thanks a lot from a sick bedridden Pat who just decided to pick up her lazy butt and write again. 

P.S.: Before I rewrote this chapter, I read all of your comments and I was overwhelmed with gratitude and I'm sorry if this chapter does not live up to what you expected but (I wont promise anything) the next will be better. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2013 ⏰

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