Hey guys... i know everything about u

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"Shut the fuck up you fucking fuck, you're gonna wake the small child in my room." I threatened Dan as he loudly laughed at my failed attempt to beat him in a game of Mario Kart.

"Don't fucking swear." He pushed me jokingly, making Phil roll his eyes at us. I heard light footsteps down the hall.

My attention turned to the doorway of the lounge where I seen Leah stand awkward, looking like she just woke up. "I told you to be quiet."

I rub my eyes and go sit on pres' lap not thinking about phan and cuddling into her chest smiling

I wrapped my arms around Leah, pulling her closer. I didn't notice the confused looks on Dan and Phil's face as I quickly pressed a general kiss to the younger girls head

I giggle feeling the kiss then the realisation​ hits me that im in the same room as phan and i freak out and fall on the​ floor "oww i need to stop falling"

"Yeah," i start, standing off of the sofa. "You do." I pulled the younger girl off of the floor and out of the room.

I start to scream and fangirl to myself "omfg im in phan's house MY DADS R HERE!" i yell falling on the floor, then i realise what i did and my face in the floor

"You're the most adorable human." I giggled.

"oh leave me alone" i giggle and runs down stairs and jump on dan and hug him.

I smile, shaking my head as I follow Leah downstairs. "Oh my lord!" I laugh loudly as i seen her jump onto Dan, hugging him tightly.

I hug him tighter and hear pres laugh but idc i love dan him and phil saved me, i quickly jump off dan and onto phil and smile hugging him softer and smile

I leaned against the doorway and crossed my arms, watching the scene play out in front of me. It was great. Lead was adorable, but zthat's okay

I get off phil and sit on the floor smiling to myself "s-sorry u i-i u ju-st love u u u g-guys alot and u s-aved my u u l-ife more than o-once" i say crying a bit

I smile lightly, sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor, trying not to interupt the moment the three were having, sit also not wanting to leave
~Dan~ (NEW POV'S!!!!)
i stare stuned then get up and hug her "its okay love don't cry" i set her on the sofa in the middle of phil and i and rub her back lookin and phil for help.

I didn't know how to react. Sure, we were told that we saved a lot of lives, but this girl, she seemed special. I wrapped my arms around her, trying to calm her down.

I hug phil back not noticing my sleeves going up and just enjoy the loving hug.

My eyes widened as I looked at Leah's wrist. Why would she do this to herself? I didn't know if I should say anything, so I just rubbed her back comfortingly

I pull away and notice my sleeves and pull them down "thanks guys...I just wanted to let u know i know everything​ about u" i giggle and run back upstairs​ and to see pres

I look up from my phone to see Leah run into my room. I smile and throw the phone to the other side of my bed. "Come here." I sat cross legged on my bed and help out my arms

I crawl into pres' lap and kiss her softly and smile

Blushing, I kissed Leah back and pulled her closer.
Hey guys ur not ready for next week😁~Lexi

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