How He Cuddles With You

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Taylor: You usually rest your head on his chest listening to his heart beat as he strokes your hair to sleep. And Tells You He loves you...

Cameron: Cam embraces you with his arm as your back is faced his front. He'll whisper nice things into your ear as you fall to sleep.

Shawn: You both lay back on bed as you two hold hands while he sings you to sleep.

Matt: You two sleep face to face as your legs are interlocked with each other while he rubs your arms with his soft touch.

Hayes: You lay on his chest & talk about your day as he makes you laugh with what He says. He then kisses your temple as you drift off to sleep.

Aaron: You lay back to back of each other until he turns and overlaps his arm over you while curling it to grasp you.

Carter: He Kisses you on both sides of your cheeks & tells you how much he loves you as you play with his fingers intertwined with yours.

Nash: He'll lay facing you as you face up towards the ceiling with his arm under your head. He stares at you with love in his eyes as he wishes you sweet dreams & tells you he loves you.

Jack G: He usually holds you in his big arms as close as possible as your face is buried in the croak of his neck inhaling his scent.

Jack J: You usually mess with his hair & give him kisses here and there as he steals from you. He'll remind you how much he loves you about every minute & cracks jokes to hear your laugh.

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