Personal Taylor Imagine

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This is for @Rebecca_Madyson ❤️

You were nervous.
Today was the big day.
The day you marry the love of your life.
You took one last look at your reflection in the mirror. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath.
Your Bridesmaids were getting their things together in the corner.
Your dad came in to ask if you were ready.
You nodded.
"It's okay sweetheart." he smiled warmly.
You smiled and headed towards the entrance.
All the bridesmaids and escorts paired up waiting for their announcements.

They all gradually walked down the aisle in pairs.
You shut your eyes and exhaled.
You put your arm around your father's.
The music began to play as the guest all stood up.
You began to walk slowly ahead.
Only focusing on Taylor above the alter.
He looked astonished at your appearance.
You began to again feel the butterflies in your stomach.

You finally reached the end of the trail and hugged your dad. He handed you to Taylor to gather hands.
You smiled at your soon to be husband as he did the same to you.
The ceremony began and it was time to confess vows as you had already gone.
Taylor began to speak his vows to you.
"Becks. My beautiful girl. he paused and looked down. Today, you have made me the most happiest guy on living Earth. To think I am now spending the rest of my life with you. To realize I am blessed having you in my life. Words don't exactly express my love for you. You manage to light my world up with your presence. You see, you're like an angel. You don't exactly need to be there to lighten me. You're always there. With me. In my head, but most importantly in my heart." You began to tear up as Taylor looked into your eyes with pure and utter love.
"So I tell you now and forever, that I love you. I always have and always will." He finished as he inserted the ring to your finger.
"You May Now Kiss Your Bride" says the ceremonial host.
The kiss was passionate and deep in love.
Again, nothing in your mind other than the beautiful feeling of love revolving around you.
As Taylor and you both walked down aisle married as Mr. and Mrs. Caniff all you could think to yourself, was how extremely lucky you were to have him.

Okay so I really hoped you all liked it, but most importantly, Becks (:
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