Holding Out - Chapter Eight

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It had been two days since I had my "date". After the gym he asked if I wanted to see him again. I told him I'd think about it.

I should have just said no right then and there but I couldn't force the words from my mouth. I knew that I was making a mistake by letting him get close to me. Only bad could come from this.

I knew how this would play out, it would be good for a second and then we would have sex and he would be gone. It was always the same.

I made it up in my mind that I wouldn't see him again. That was that. I couldn't do that to myself again.

It was now Monday morning and I was back to work, putting all the events from the weekend past me.

There was a group of women at my door when I arrived at the office, waiting anxiously for me to tell them about my date with Isaac.

They all dispersed when they saw Jason coming however. Great just what I need, I thought as I walked into my office with Jason following closely behind me.

I had hoped that he would take my not saying good morning to him as a hint to leave me alone but of course I had no such luck.

He walked into the office and closed the door behind him.

"Jason, would you open the door please?" I asked calmly as he walked around my desk to where I was standing.

He stood uncomfortably close to me and I wanted to take a step back but there was no way I would back down from him.

"Nice date?" he asked with no emotion on his face.

I smirked, "it was...fine. Thanks for asking." Prick.

I saw his eyebrow twitched, "you think this guy really likes you? As soon as he gets what he wants he's out, trust me girls like you are only good for a few things."

I took a deep breath; I knew exactly how to handle men like him. "Thanks you for your concern but I have it under control, now if you would excuse me I have a great deal of work to be done."

He looked at me as if I'd lost my mind, "who the hell do you think you are?" I could feel his hot breath on my face as he huffed out his words.

I looked him straight in the eyes, "I'm an employee of your father's and you are crossing a very thin line right now Jason. So like I said, could you please leave my office... now?"

He took a step back, "you'll be sorry, nobody talks to me like that."

"Close the door on your way out." I said sitting down at my desk.

I sat at my desk quietly for a while collecting my thoughts. I silently thanked the heavens for allowing my voice to come out calmer than I felt.

Jason had always been a jerk but he'd never said anything like that before. He was starting to get more arrogant everyday.

I had to do something. I had a feeling that it would only get worse form here. I knew his type, power hungry. He likes to feel dominant and I'd humiliated him by not submitting.

After lunch I would report him to human resources. For now I would just get a little work done.

I barely touched my lunch; I was still too upset with Jason. So, I went down to human resources. When I stepped off the elevator there was a big guy sitting at the desk.

He was wearing a collar shirt which was extremely tight on him along with short that exposed too much of his backside. I read the sign on his desk that read "HR Supervisor".

I told him that I wanted to file a complaint but all he did was give me the run around when he found out it was about Jason.

After about twenty minutes of arguing he finally told me that there was nothing he could do without proof. He said that I should just try to "play nice".

That's when I knew I was going to get nowhere with him. No wonder Jason felt like he could do anything he wanted, he had the whole place rigged. He probably had this guy in his front pocket.

I stormed out of the office furious. I knew what I had to do. I wasn't going to get to Jason this way. I had to take things into my own hands.

When I got home I saw that there was a message on my machine.

I pressed play and smiled a little when I heard the voice, "hey Jade, It's Isaac. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me this Friday. I think my wounds will have healed up by then. So call me ok? I'll be waiting by the phone until you

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