Holding Out - Chapter 21

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We pulled into my mother's driveway around twelve PM. I saw smoke rising from the backyard.

"Oh no." I said banging my head on the dashboard.

"What is it?" Isaac asked from the driver's seat, holding me by the shoulders so I couldn't hit my head anymore.

Before I could reply a swarm of people came out of my mother's house toward the car. They pulled Isaac out the car and began attacking him with hugs, and introductions.

My mom had called the whole family over. I should have known. I told her I wanted a quiet dinner.

I got out of the car to rescue Isaac when she came outside.

"Hey ma." I said hugging her.

"Where is he?" she asked excitedly.

I rolled my eyes, "somewhere in the swarm." I motioned to our family.

Just then Isaac appeared through the crowd and I grabbed him before they could pull him back in.

"Isaac this is my mother Pam. Mom this is Isaac Phillips."

My cousin ran out of the house just as I was giving introductions and engulfed me in a hug.

"Tonya!" I said excitedly.

"It's about time you got a man." She said. "Where is he?" she turned around to see Isaac. "Girl that is one light skinned brotha you got there." She joked.

"Ha Ha Ha Tonya, why didn't you warn me about all of this?" I slapped her playfully.

"Girl you know your mama. Besides she didn't tell me until last night. I think she knew I would've told you." she said pulling me into the house leaving Isaac to fend for himself.

I looked back to see him being force fed chitterlings and potato salad by my aunts. I couldn't help but laugh.

The day went by and Isaac and I barely even saw each other. He was now outside playing football with my cousins. I knew they were probably playing dirty. Most of them were stars on the high school team. I was inside in the kitchen with my mom, cousin, and aunts.

"He seems really nice Jade, and very handsome." My aunt Mary said.

"Honestly honey we all thought you were a lesbian. If we'd known that you were just into white guys I would've set you up a long time ago." Said my Aunt Sharon. They all laughed.

"So what's he like?" Tanya asked suggestively.

I threw a dinner roll at her, "eww Tanya!"

"Come on girl, we got to know. Is the stereo type true?" she pleaded.

"I wouldn't know, and I wouldn't tell you anyway."

"You meant to tell me that you haven't test drove that car yet?" She exclaimed.

"No." I shook my head.

"Well I'm glad." My mom said. "I don't know why all the girls are in such a hurry these days."

"Oh Pam, back it he day you were just as eager... if not more." Said Aunt Sharon.

My Aunt Mary chimed in, "Mama had to bail you out of jail twice when the sheriff caught you and Henry down by the lake."

"Ma!" I exclaimed.

"Oh these old bats don't know what they're talking about. I wasn't the one who got caught with my hands down Earl Johnson's pants at church was I?" she raised her eyebrows at Aunt Mary.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Tanya said making a nauseous face.

"You and me both." I agreed. "Can we change the subject?"

"So Jade, maybe you and your mom should double date now." Aunt Sharon joked. I heard my mom clear her throat and glare at my aunt.

"Mom are you seeing someone?"

"Well it's nothing serious. Dr. Harris and I just went on a couple dates." She said embarrassed.

"Oh my gosh mama, your blushing like a school girl!" I said smiling form ear to ear. "You must really like him."

"She must, she's been out with him almost every night for the last month." Said Aunt Mary.

"Ok, I'm going outside to watch the boys play. It's getting too gossipy in here." My mom said leaving the kitchen as we all yelled behind her playfully.

We all walked outside just in time to see all of my cousins piled on top of Isaac.

"Oh my goodness, Isaac are you Ok?" I said kneeling beside him.

He sat up on his elbows, "Jade I didn't know you had a twin."

"Ok, let's get you up." I said helping him to a chair. Jeremy what is wrong with you guys!" I scolded my cousins.

"Hey don't blame us, your boyfriends soft Jade."

Jeremy laughed and all the other boys joined him.
I looked at Tanya who was already ahead of me. She knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Hey, how about we play you guys." She said. "Me, Jade, and Isaac against you, Trey and Ronnie?"

Ronnie held up his hands in defeat, "count me out. There's no way I'm playing against Jade and Tanya."

"Are you kidding me?" Jeremy teased. "It's two girls and a white guy, how bad could it be."

I saw an evil grin spread across Tanya's face, "try not to go to hard on us Ok guys?" she said innocently.

I held out a hand to help Isaac up and whispered in his ear, "Kick their asses." I said, and the game began.

As soon as the ball was in play Jeremy made a long pass to Markes, who had taken Ronnie's place. Unfortunately for Markes He didn't see Tanya. As soon as he jumped for the ball she went under him and he came down hard.

I heard the entire family let out cheers and some made painful faces as Tanya stood over Markes smiling. Tanya was worse than me. I was tough but she had five brothers. She was almost superhuman.

She held out a hand to Markes and helped him up and then the ball went into play again. This time Jeremy rant the ball himself. He and Isaac were head to head charging for each other. Isaac stooped low and lifted Jeremy into the air as Tanya hit him from the top. Jeremy came down with a crash.

When it was our turn to run the ball Isaac threw it long and trey and Tanya were both running for it. Trey was much faster than Tanya so he was ahead of her looking back for the ball.

He didn't notice me until it was too late. I stuck out my arm and clothes lined him. Tanya caught the ball and ran for the touchdown. By the end of the game the score was 28 to 7. We kicked their butts.

The rest of the day went by great and by 10pm Isaac and I were back on the road. There was no way I was spending the night at my mother's house. Things had gone well that day and I didn't want to push my luck.

"Your family is Awesome!" Isaac said still smiling in the driver's seat. "I don't think I've ever eaten that much in my entire life. What is a chitterling anyway?"

"Uh it's...pork." I answered.

"It was delicious." He continued. "Oh and Tanya, wow that girl is tough. Did you see the way she tackled Jeremy?" he said excitedly.

I laughed he looked like a kid in a candy store, so excited. "Glad you enjoyed yourself."

"I haven't been this happy in a long time. Every since I met you Jade, I don't know, it's like I've been sleep walking this whole time and you've awakened me. I feel alive, like seeing for the first time."

I was speechless; Isaac had a way of making me that way. I didn't know how to respond so I just grabbed his hand and we rode back to my house in silence. He didn't know it but I felt the same way.

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