Holding Out - Chapter 26

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A week passed and Isaac tried every way he could to contact me. I got a new phone but I still wouldn't answer his calls. He sent flowers which I threw away. He even came to the office but I managed to avoid him. I had it made up in my mind that I wouldn't give him the opportunity to prove his step mom right. Part of me felt that I needed to give him a chance, but I knew if I saw him I would believe whatever he told me. I could see him in person. I was powerless in person. As I came home from work I noticed how gloomy the sky looked. The sky was so dark and grey, but there was no rain. Just dark clouds rolling around the sky.

"Jade." I heard Isaac's voice speak to me form the lifeless sky.

Great now I way hearing voices I thought.

"Jade!" I heard it clearer this time. I looked around to see Isaac in front of my apartment building.

"Isaac, what are you doing here?" I almost cried.

"What am I doing here? Jade, I've been calling you all week. I came by your office, your apartment. Why are you avoiding me?" he said looking me in my eyes. As soon as he saw the look on my face he began shaking his head. "No. No, Jade don't do this."

"Isaac..." I started to say.

He hung his head low, "don't do this, please." He said with sadness in his voice that made me want to fall to pieces.

"We don't belong together." I said quietly.

"How can you say that!" he shouted. "Things were fine a few days ago, I don't understand." He had tears in his eyes now. I couldn't speak. "Jade please I love you. Don't run away from me."

"I'm not running." I said angrily.

"Then why are you behaving like this?" he asked, "One night your showing up at my house throwing yourself at me and the next your avoiding me and... dumping me?" 

"Are you mad because I beat you to it?" I yelled. I wanted him to be angry; I needed to be angry with him.

"What?" he said full of confusion.

"You think I'm and idiot? I know men like you! You pretend to be so nice and caring but really your just liars. I won't let you hurt me."

"Jade if you do this right now, you're just hurting yourself. I know how you feel about me. You can't run form that. If you let me I can help you."

"You don't know me!" I spat. "Don't think for a second that you know what I feel, because you don't. It's so easy for you to come waltzing in here and tell me what to feel and what to do and how to act. I'm not your project Isaac."

"Jade..." he pleaded.

"Just leave." I said quietly. "I can't deal with your lies anymore. I'm not a fool and I won't let you play me like one. I'm not your charity case or your project."

The tears were now freely flowing from Isaac's eyes but I knew that I had to continue. I knew I had to do this before I lost my nerve. Before I changed my mind.

"I can't believe I let someone like you trick me. I don't want to see you again. Ever. Just leave."

I saw the tears on his cheeks and my entire chest started to burn and it felt like I was drowning.

"You feel that Jade? No matter how much you try not to, I know you do." He said as he turned to walk away.

Just as he turned I started to hyperventilate and I ran into my building. I stopped as I closed the door and fell to the ground as the tears ran down my face.

Panic started to set in as I realized what just happened.

What have I done? I was such an idiot. I turned to call out to him but it was too late, he'd already gotten into his car and drove away. It was really over. I quickly pulled myself together and ran back to my apartment, praying that I didn't just make the worst mistake of my life.

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