Holding Out - Chapter 14

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​I didn't answer Isaacs's calls the next day, or the days after that. I just couldn't let myself get lost again.

I knew it was only a matter of time before I saw the real Isaac and I was hurt and disappointed. I made a promise to myself that that would never happen again, and I intended to keep it.

I needed to get out of my apartment. It felt like I was going crazy. For the last few days all I did was Pace my apartment.

I couldn't focus on work because my mind always wandered back to Isaac. I wondered what he was doing and if he was thinking of me. Then I would chastise myself for being so cliché.

I could no longer take the impending mental breakdown. The walls were closing in on me and the air was getting thinner and thinner by the hour. I was there all day after work pacing the floor while the phone rang.

I didn't pick it up because I knew who it was. Even when I took the phone off the hook I could still hear the ringing.

By Thursday I was feeling miserable so I decided to get out and catch a movie alone. I walked down the block to the theatre.

That was one of the things that most attracted me to my apartment; it was only minutes away from everything. Not like my hometown where walking distance was two day trip.

The short walk to the theatre gave me a chance to clear my head a little. Maybe all I needed was some fresh air. I started telling myself over and over that I would get over him soon enough.

When I got to the theatre I still hadn't convinced myself. I wished I could figure out what it was that had me like this. I wasn't this type of person. As a matter of fact I hated the kind of girls who obsessed over a guy.

I was standing in line to get my ticket when in the reflection of the glass I saw Isaac across the street.

Instantly every part of my body that had been so dead over the last few days was alert.

I was about to leave when I looked over at him and saw that he looked distressed. He was talking to a couple.

I knew the look he was giving them. I'd had it before. It was the look of sadness, regret, and pain all in one. It was the look of a broken heart.

I turned on my heels toward them. Screw my promise. Isaac needed me right now. I knew how it felt to be rejected and I didn't want him to feel that.

I walked up to him just in time to hear the guy bragging about their perfect relationship.

"Hey babe." I said giving him a long passionate kiss. I almost forgot why I was there. He looked a little shocked but he played along.

"Jade?" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me in for another kiss. This one lingering longer and more passionate than its predecessor. I heard the woman clear her throat.

"Oh I'm sorry; I didn't even see you there." I smiled sweetly, tearing myself from his embrace.

Isaac chuckled, "umm Jade this is Kate and John."

I faked a shock look, "Oh so this is Kate? So nice to meet you."

"So you've heard of me?" her face lit up as she gave me a smug look.

"Oh yeah, well...I've heard of your vagina." I said. I heard Isaac choking back laughter beside me, as her eyes grew wider.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'm not the only one though right John." I nudged playfully. "If it weren't for you sharing it with the world I would have never met this sexy, stunningly romantic, loving man." I said giving Isaac small kisses with each word.

I deserved an Oscar for the performance I was giving. I looked him in the eyes lovingly and he took the opportunity to kiss me sweetly. I instantly melted in his arms. The sensation of his tongue swimming around mine was exhilarating.

We pulled away too soon for my liking and I had to compose myself. I looked over at Kate who looked like she'd just witnessed a murder. "Your loss I guess."

She stood there with her mouth wide open. "Oh honey I got the tickets, movie starts at 8 we have to go, it was nice meeting you Karen, James." I said intentionally messing up their names.

Isaac and I began to walk away when John made a comment under his breath that I didn't hear. Isaac turned around, and I knew that there was going to be trouble.

"What did you just say to me?" Isaac said in a tone so menacing it almost scared me.

"John let's go baby please." Kate said trying to pull him away.

"You shut your mouth when I'm talking!" he scolded her and she retreated cowardly.

I flinched at how quickly the situation had shifted. The smug handsome man who we were just talking to was gone. In his place stood his evil twin.

I grabbed Isaac's hand, "Isaac he's not worth it. Let's just go."

He turned to look at me and let out a sigh. "Your right." He said sending one more wicked glower towards John.

We turned to walk away and out of the corner of my eye I saw John raise a hand to hit Isaac.

Before I could think I let go of Isaac's hand and threw a hard right hook across John's face, knocking him to the ground.

"You little bit-" he got up to attack me and I got ready to protect myself but there was no need. Isaac was already on top of him throwing punch after punch.

He had a fury in his eyes and I knew that he could possibly kill this guy. I wanted to stop him but honestly I was afraid. I'd never seen him so angry.

Kate jumped on to his back screaming and hitting Isaac, I quickly pulled her off of him and slapped her across the face. I didn't want to hurt her, it looked like John did that enough; I just wanted to keep her off of him.

Finally I mustered up enough courage to stop the fight. I was reaching to pull Isaac up when I felt someone push me to the ground.

I felt my body collide hard with the cold cement and I looked back to see three police officers holding the four of us down.

I shook my head knowingly. Just my luck, now we were all going to jail.

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