Chap. 2 - Meeting Each Other at the Garden

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The sun was setting, and slowly fading out of the sky. There was a slight breeze in the air which caused the trees to sway back and forth softly. There was hardly any commotion in the village near the garden. 

People walked along the side of some roads, talking to the neighbors they passed who sat on their tiny porches. They waved to each other happily and then went on with their day.

Julia waited patiently where Daniel had told her to. She had hope he was coming. You can't just be so gentle and loving to someone and then stand them up. That never happened in fairytales. And he just so happened to seem like a prince charming.

Now, being ten minutes after 8 o'clock, Julia bent down to get the lantern she had placed on the cold, tiled ground. She held it up, in search of a stable in which four white horses stayed.

When she spotted it, she walked over to it and opened it quietly letting out one of the animals. Once he had stepped out, she closed the gate leaving it in it's original stance. 

She walked with the horse around the small garden for about two minutes.

Then, suddenly, arms were wrapped around her waist from behind, and lips were placed near her ear.

"Hello, beautiful" a soft voice murmured in her small ear.

A smile crept upon Julia's face, causing Daniel to turn his mouth up in a happy manner as well.

"You came" she stated, as she softly stroked the horse's muscular back.

"Of course I did. I’m sorry I’m a little late. I had to fix some things." Daniel answered, turning her around so she faced him.

She looked up into his dark brown eyes and got lost in them. 

 He lifted both his hands and rested them on her cheeks. Her hands slithered to his neck.

After a long silence, he asked, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Biting her lip, Julia shook her head. She was lying, and she knew it. She just didn't want to sound like every other girl in the village. And, she knew, when she saw Daniel enter her father's party, something went off. Fireworks? Could be.

Daniel frowned. He lifted her up, placing her petite figure onto the horse. Her two legs hung off one end, and she placed her hands on it's neck.

He guided the horse around the large garden, running his hands along it's mane.

Julia debated whether or not to tell him her dilemma.

"My mother wants me to marry, and conceive a child already." She urged it all out. She felt funny telling him this.

Daniel nodded politely. He wasn't surprised. The Schnittka women had always started living older than they actually were between the ages of 14 and 17. He had grown used to it. It had happened many times right before his eyes.

Julia reached up and placed her hand on top of Daniel's. He turned his hand over so he was holding hers. He squeezed it softly.

"I really don't want to get married unless I'm in love," she said, her voice very small. "And, I-I'm" she stammered as her voice cracked slightly. "I'm scared."

That stopped Daniel in his tracks. He turned towards Julia and held her face gently.

"You know, I believe in love at first sight," he spoke in a low voice. "Especially with you."

Julia looked down and then closed her eyes.

"Look, Julia. You're scared, I get it" he said. He licked his lips as he thought of what to do next. "But, you've got to forget about that now."

He breathed in and out, and moved his right hand to the back of his head. He scratched it. A habit he had received from his father. He did it whenever he felt it was an awkward moment.

She opened her eyes, and stared at him. Her hands fell to her lap and she sighed. "Why?"

Daniel grinned picking Julia off of the horse and setting her down on the ground. "Because I want you to kiss me."

Julia stared at him. She really didn't know what to say. One part of her just wanted to lunge forward and kiss him, and another part of her said to stay far, far away and that he was nothing but trouble.

But it was already too late. His lips were gently on hers. Julia’s hands ran through Daniel’s silky smooth black hair, while his stayed placed securely on her waist. Their lips moved slowly in sync.

They pulled away, wonderstruck. 

"Wow" they both breathed out in unison.

Daniel pushed her down onto a light gray rock that sat beside a tree. He pecked Julia’s lips again

She responded quickly and they both smiled on each others' lips.

They pulled away, once again, but quickly this time.

"Daniel?" she said, her eyes still closed. Julia imagined him watching her every move curiously.

"Yes?" Daniel leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"I believe in love at first sight, too," she confessed. "And I felt it with you."

In one quick movement, Daniel smiled widely and wrapped his strong arms around Julia and rubbed her back soothingly.

“Remember when I used to have a huge crush at you back then?” Julia continued, not averting her stare from Daniel’s hypnotizing eyes. He nodded and smiled cheesily “Mhmm?”

“The strong feelings are going back and this time….. It’s not just any ordinary crush” she explained. 

Julia clung onto him desperately. She wanted to stay with Daniel. She wanted to believe that one day, they'd be able to start a life together. She wondered that, maybe, one day her parents would be fine with that fact that her love was a Schedrin.

Was it really love she felt? Was it happening all too quickly? No one could possibly fall in love that fast. No one besides Julia.

But, at that moment, she didn't care. All she wished was that Daniel would never let go of her. She wished that they could stay in that position forever.

happy, peaceful, inlove

Waaaa! Did ya’ll like it? Napaka cheesy po ba or okay lang? I need your opinions, guys :) Sana huwag niyo pong kalimutan na mag

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