Chap. 7 - Caught

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Julia's feet made a large sound as she stomped down the stairs quickly. She walked past her small little Persian cat who was sitting on her elegant bed made especially for her. It was sleeping peacefully and scrunched up her nose every few seconds.

Julia felt her red dress get caught on the railing of the stair case and sighed. Just another thing getting in the way.

She pulled her dress free and pulled a piece of her curly brown hair behind her eyes. She was on her way to Daniel's house and was trying to sneak out. I repeat, SNEAK OUT.

As she reached the front door, she grabbed the handle and twisted it. Before she could walk out, a hand stopped her.



She spun around swiftly, and clutched her chest. She faced her mother and father who stood there with their arms crossed on their chest.

"Where were you going?" asked Lord Schnittka

Julia was still breathing heavily and shook her head slightly. "You scared me!" she muttered.

Lord Schnittka tapped his foot on the tiled marble flooring. "You haven't answered the question."

Julia nodded quickly. "Umm." She looked at the clock the was on the wall behind her parents. It was 6:55. Daniel must already be waiting outside his house. "Yes, I know that."

They stood there awkwardly. Julia's mother had an odd expression on her face. As if to say 'Sorry for calling you out.'

"And?" Lord Schnittka was losing his patience.

"I'm going to the garden" she lied. Second time she lied in less than twenty four hours. Not bad. Way to go Julia.

"To do what?"

She fixed her posture as she was losing her patience. Why should they care so much?

"Groom the horses" she answered.

Lord Schnittka cocked his head to the side.

Does he believe me?! Julia asked her mind frantically.

"Alright" he said quietly, raising an eyebrow. He watched her intently as he walked away.

She smiled at his figure until he was out of sight. She breathed a sigh of relief and slid slowly down the door.

Her mother stared down at her. "Sorry."

Julia nodded once again, and watched her mother leave.

After a minute or two, she stood up and finally got out the door. She ran down the streets towards Daniel's house, her heels clicking along the ground.

She finally got there, and saw his figure. She ran towards him carefully, and hugged him from behind.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," she let out in one breath. "My parents stopped me at the door, and my father bombarded me with questions."

Daniel turned around and smiled. "No worries, beautiful."

He led her to the garden, where Julia thought they wouldn't be going. She was getting quite sick of it, actually. That was the only place they'd go to be alone.

"What's the matter?" Daniel asked her as they both sat down on an elegant bench that was planted firmly in the flowery grass. He noticed the look in her eyes as she stared out at the flowers they had both seen more than a hundred times.

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