Chap. 8 - Take My Word

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I dedicate this to you coz' you are one awesome writer and inlove po talaga ako sa story mo! :) Mwuahugs! <3 :*

Anyways, on to the story. Hope ya'll like it..


What can you do if you're in love with someone you can't be with? How can you see if you're truly in love with them, if you aren't allowed to see or talk to them? Well, you could sneak out of your house, and you can also try getting in contact with them. That is, unless you don't have access to any phones, or have guards outside of your house just waiting for you to make a stupid choice and sneak out, like Julia.

It had been a week since Lord Schnittka had seen Daniel and his daughter, Julia kissing in the garden, and now he did not want to take any more chances and let her out of the house.

Daniel had knocked on their door numerous times, claiming that he just wanted to be reasonable with Lord Schnittka, other times, he'd throw pebbles at Julia's window, in hopes he'd get her attention. He always had, but when the guards caught sight of him, they'd send him back to his own place. That's when Julia would think that he'd never fulfil his promise; to come back for her, and then they'd both run away.

That was one thing she was always dreaming about. Daniel saving her from her own world, and then they'd live happily ever after.

But, this is no fairy tale, she'd think to herself. This is real life. And in real life, you can't always get what you want. No matter how much you deserve it.

She thought ii was unfair. If you're in love, then you have the right to be with the person. It shouldn't be this difficult. It should be along the story lines of falling in love and having no walls up in front of you to be away from that person you're so madly in love with. That would be amazing. That would be perfect.

But it would never be perfect. Not if you were rivals with your lover's family.

Suddenly, the door to Julia's room opened, and pulled her away from her thoughts.

She turned her body toward the door, and stared at her mother.

"I came to see how you were doing" she said quietly walking over to the vanity table in which Julia was sitting at.

"You already know the answer to that" Julia stated, sadly looking upon herself in the mirror.

"I know" her mother whispered.

Julia looked down at her hands. She imagined Daniel playing with her petite fingers and kissing her cheek softly, while she laughed alongside him, his epic jokes and cute punch lines. She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head.

She touched her neck looking for the necklace Daniel had given her. She grabbed on to it and gave it a squeeze, just like Daniel said to do if she missed him.

"He promised me he'd come," she whimpered. "It's been a week, and he hasn't shown up. Not even a sign of him"

Her mother placed a hand on her back, rubbing it soothingly.

"Hun, if he promised, he probably will come," she told her. "Sooner or later."

Julia turned her whole body towards her mother, resting her hand on her pink silk chair.

"And," she started. "What if he doesn't?"

Tears filled her eyes for the millionth time that week. She strongly attempted to think about something else - anything else.

Her mother sighed. She took her daughter's hand and led her over to the bed. They both sat down.

"How about I tell you a little story?"

Julia looked up at her and sniffled. "Okay . . ."

"Alright," Her mother began to think back. "When I was your age, there was this gorgeous boy I had fallen for. He was everything any girl had ever wanted."

Julia rolled her eyes.

"He was handsome, a gentlemen, had beautiful personality. But, as I always watched him, I thought he'd never notice me. I was just another girl swooning over him."

She smiled, as she remembered.

"But, one day, my friends pushed me into him," she said. "Then, I looked into his brown eyes, and I smiled. Then, unexpectedly, he smiled back."

Julia cocked her head. She had no idea where her mother was going with this, or how it was related to Julia's dilemma in any way.

"Then, we started talking and getting more and more find of each other," her mother continued. "And, finally, one day he had asked me to dinner. And, I agreed in an instant."

Julia nodded, still unsure of where this was going.

"Then, we started dating. But, one day, he told me that it may be better if we kind of drifted away from each other, and let time take its part," her mother went on. "And, just because I loved him so much, I went along with it.

"It was about two weeks later, when he knocked on my door, again. He said he missed me, and I said I missed him too."

"Alright, mother, is there an ending?" asked Julia chuckling slightly.

"Almost," her mother laughed. "Then before you knew it, we were engaged."

Julia lifted an eyebrow. "That boy was father?"

Her mother nodded.

"The point of me telling you this is, if you love someone, set them free. If they come back to you, then it's fate. If they don't than it's not meant to be."

Julia smiled. "That's beautiful."

Her mother smiled back, and leaned in to hug her. "You should believe in Daniel. I think he's a boy who keeps his word."

Julia nodded. "Thanks, mother."

Her mother got up, and walked to the door. "Tell me you're going to take my word?"

Julia looked at her. She thought for a moment, about all the times she had with Daniel, and much she adored him in such a small amount of time.

"Yes, I do take your word" she replied, grinning and tracing her finger on the shapes on her bed sheet.

"That's great" her mother said, and left the room without another word, leaving Julia to think about what she had just said.

And, so Julia raised her hope higher.


I don't really like this chappy. Pero, there is a little lesson learned from Julia's mother, diba? Teehee. Words of wisdom. But I still want to hear from you, everyone! Kasi nakakainspire yung comments niyo, mapanegative man or positive. Appreciated pa rin. Haha. Anyways, this story is about to come to an end dahil 2 chappies nalang and it's over. :( For now....


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