Chapter 3

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Hi guys, we are still on Hameed's P.O.V Don't get confused.
We then proceeded to the Cafeteria which was inside the game center. From the first step,you can see many people mostly Teens playing the X-box 360,playing the basketball and a type of game I've never known the name,its like pool but in it's case,they use their hands in pushing disc like balls. Anyway, we sat on the first table by our left,it was close to the air conditioner and it was freaking cold.
"What would you like to eat,miss?"

" fried rice and chicken,a big one please, Mr." I chuckled a bit and went to order.

The Lebanese woman on the counter was speaking to a man beside me in fluent Hausa, that's amazing I thought. I collected the order and was heading back to the table when I noticed there was no one there. Was I blind? What the hell? She did all these intentionally? It wasn't long, then I saw her coming back."Alhamdulillah" I murdered She sat and said"sorry, Dad called us to go back home,but I told him I have a friend who has already ordered food for us,so they left me, the driver will come and pick me up,later "

" okay that's cool,I was literally heartbroken actually, anyway, my name is Abdulhameed,am from Borno state, and um I studied software engineering ".She smiled God! I love her sparkling white teeth,her nose was perfectly placed and long,the eyes,were hazel,with thick and black eyelashes,in general, she had a dark kind of complexion others will refer to as 'chocolate',physically she was imperfectly perfect as John Legend will say.

" I am Zahra,I'm from KANO state, and I'm studying international relations, 200 level,here in Baze university".Did she just say Baze university? Today seems to be my day,all thanks to Faruk's 'chilling' initiative. As we ate,we talked about out our hobbies, likes and dislikes. It'll soon be 6:00,maghrib was fast approaching.

"How about I drive you home?" I offered,She agreed only after the driver's line didn't go through for the fifth consecutive time. Everything is just falling by my side today, that's good. I called Faruk, and we hoped in, of course there was no way I'll let him seat at the front, he kept glaring me through the mirror at the front seat.

After dropping her, I requested for a selfie,which she agreed and we exchanged number. I drove Faruk to my home as we wanted to play PES18 demo for PlayStation 4 which just came out.As we were playing, Sanusi noticed how overwhelming I was. He said we should talk a little in the middle of the game, I paused.

"Hameed,don't tell me what I am thinking of is right!"

"and what are you thinking of, Malam Faruk?"

he slightly laughed and gave me a questioning look,

"Don't tell me you have fallen for Zahra!".I laughed and shouted softly "hell,no,haba mana! From first sight?"
Hi guys,how was Hameed's flows?,what could he have done better? Anyway, drop ur comments hia,and don't forget to vote plss.They say there is love in sharing,so please share this with friends!!

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