Chapter 14

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Hey guys! How's everyone doing? It's been a long time...the world is going through a difficult time,may Allah see us through. Please don't forget to stay safe by staying at home,washing hands regularly and avoiding physical social activities! This too shall pass!
Zulaihat & Princess have waited for like forever for this update. Thanks for pushing me out to write today!
Hameed's P.O.V
It's 6:00am,I'm still on my sallaya (praying mat) lying down hopelessly. Neither doing adkar,nor reciting anything. Just staring at the ceiling and thinking about life... I reached for my phone and checked my what's app messages. There goes a new number


Well, the only person that calls me that is an old friend I made during my service days and we've not been in contact for a long time... Could this be him?

"Hey,who's there?" I replied

-no profile picture
-no common groups
-no nothing

"The Lipton in the tea you're about to take" was the reply I got

Wow! Now I was amazed cos this line sounds familiar.. Could it be Zahrah
trying to play with my mind this morning? I decided to give her a call,but it wasn't answered! So I continued with the chat..

"Well,I'm not taking any tea this morning" I sent

"Haha! Great play,seems you're good with words"

"Now tell me who you are or I'll block you... And I'm serious about this"

"Lol calm down! It hasn't reached that stage"

"Good, I'm waiting"

"You'll find out soonest! All I can tell you now is that I'm a good friend, you can call me RK for now, have a nice day"

Wow! I'm baffled! Let's see who this turns out to be..but I'm not taking Zahrah out of my "suspect list"

I swiped through my email and found out that my attention will be needed at the Transcorp Hilton for an interview with "Pixar" a European based animation company. If this clicks! My dream has come true! I'll be working with the giant tech company that helped design some of Apple's amazing software parts. I absolutely have no time to waste here in this room.

Rushed for a quick shower! Trust me when I say took only 5mins😂💔
Dressed in a blue getzner kaftan and used a little perfume.. It's an interview after all.

[Incoming video call from "My love♥"]

That's Zahrah, she may have seen my missed call. I quickly answered.

"Hey sweetheart" I started

"Darling how're you doing?"

"I'm great, you seem to have just woken up" I could see she was still on bed. And her morning face never looked prettier, looking all cozy covered in her Eskimo sheets.

"Yeah,I just did...I'm not praying so I'd rather enjoy my sleep" she pouted!

"Haha,fine, you didn't have to say that though"

"You look handsome, I bet you're going out"

"Yeah,I am,Pixar interview is today,and they just mailed this morning"

"I think that is their way of reducing number of applicants,and you're wearing a kaftan for real?"

"Habibty what else should I wear?"

"Dress English! Wear a suit or something"

"Haha! It's not like I've gotten the Job already girl"

"Well,do what's best for you, wish you luck, bye!"

"Babe hold on!" But she wouldn't, she's been pissed off if you ask her now,very dramatic girl I've got there wallahi

I still went ahead with my usual dressing, added a cap sent from Maiduguri and the guy's looking peng!

Text from "my love♥"

"Hey,I wish us the best,stay calm,you can do this God's willing,I am with you, lots of love Darling"

What a motivation!! I feel less anxious and more confident! Zaharah is a true lover! She'll make a good wife..uhm..let me catch up with the interview

Couple of minutes drive and there I am at Transcorp

I walked into the reception and showed  my email as directed by the mail. A beautiful receptionist handed me over a card where the interview's going to take place.

I walked into the venue to a sight of tens of men, someone around my age,some older.. I presumed it to be the waiting room. Everyone was staring at me like some kind of alien..could it be my dress? Well,I don't care!

"Hello,is this sit occupied?"I said to a young man who's got a vacant seat beside him

" No,it's not " he replied coldly

5 more minutes till the interview starts

Zahrah sends me a message

"Pls call me,it's urgent!!"

What on earth would make her do was up to me to decide whether I should call her or go ahead with my interview... What if she needed me? But this Job is good for both of us...what should I do?

Author's note: Heyyo! That's it for today...I'll try and make an update later,I know I've failed you guys!! I'm so sorry about that...Thank you to all those still following my story. Words aren't enough to thank you♥ My love for you is more than Faruk's love for khadijah💞

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