Chapter 18

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So I'll hit the lights and you lock the doors
We ain't leaving this room till we break the mold
Don't walk away,don't roll your eyes
They say love is pain, well Darling, let's hurt tonight
               One Republic-lets hurt tonight
Hameed's P.O.V

I've just arrived home and went straight to my room, only to see Faruk checking my wardrobe. That's a normal thing for us especially if he's looking for a hair brush or anything of sort.

"What's up? Meh kake nema?(what  are you looking for?)

" Nothing serious, I'm looking for a nicotine patch " he replied.

At that moment, I wished I could just fall and die instantly. How did he find out? Who else knows? E be like say things go bad for me these days o!

"Who told you about it?" I asked

"Calm down,nobody told me about it"

"Then how did you know?" I asked again looking more furious

"You know what? Let's have a drive" he suggested

"I am not leaving this room till you tell me who the hell told you?"

"Your sister did" he broke out

I quickly rushed out of my room and went to Khadijah's room.

"Ya Hameed ina wuni?(good afternoon)" she greeted trying to tighten the towel around her chest

"Who else knows?" I asked her

"Nobody else,I'm sorry that I.."

"would you shut the f** off" I interrupted her. I could see the fear in her through her trembling legs. I have never yelled at any of my siblings that way before.

"Pray that he's the only one who knows,if not, zaki ga abun da zan miki a gidannan(if not, you will see what I'll do to you in this house)" I added and left the room.

I went back to Faruk and told  him I needed space.

"Call me if you need me" he clearly showed on his face that he wished he didn't tell me how he found  out about it. Well,it was late.

"Umaru, bude min gate(open the gate for me)"

I drove to Zahrah's house. I went in and met her mother in the sitting room. Zahrah on the other hand walked out of the room as soon as I entered. I greeted her mum.

"Good afternoon Mama" I said squatting completely on the floor

"Ya kake da na?(how are you my son?)"

"Lafiya kalau Mama(fine),ya hakuri?(offering condolences)" I replied adjusting my position to sit on the carpet

"Alhamdulillahi! Mun gode Allah(We thank God)" she said

"Actually, I came to see Zahrah" I said trying as much as possible to avoid eye contact with her.

"Oh,that's great! I'll summon for her, make yourself comfortable while she arrives" she said as she stood and headed towards the kitchen's direction.

After around five minutes, Zahrah's beautiful face once again fell upon my iris,her majestic steps have not changed. She seemed to have lost some weight.

"Hajiya Zahrah" I saluted her

"Hameed,you know what? Your sweet words won't work on me any longer, I have called you when I needed you, and you were not there,all my married siblings came with their spouses after receiving my call,Baba was happy and smiling as he took his last breaths,
Baba asked who i wanted to marry in the midst of everyone? Guess what? I mentioned your name! Your name Hameed! And then I called you, just so Baba could see you before he goes,and what did you do? You rejected my phone call,I can't love you, I can't marry you, Pixar means the world to you, to me,Baba was the world and beyond, It's so sad that I had to lose you both the same day. Yes Hameed,to me and my soul, you're dead. And trust me,my conscience is more than clear!
I'll continue with my school and get married to someone who will always be there,I repeat, always! Unlike some people"

It was as though she were addressing the UN general Assembly, she didn't seem to stop anytime soon. I had to interrupt!

"Zahrah,you are well aware that ever since we met and started a relationship, it has always been my dream to work hard and do anything within my power to acquire stability before we marry. I was in a middle of an interview with a company that would give us that stability Zahrah. You are one of my purpose on earth right now, you are to me a river that flows through my arteries, sedating me to a world of fantasia. I am sorry for what I did. I am very sorry" I wrapped all that's in my heart and sprayed all over her ears.

"Middle of interview,right? That's even before you get the job. Only God knows what you'll do when you finally get there.. You see,I'm done here,ka ga tafiya na(I take my leave)"

It seems she's getting away,with a portion of  my heart, and there was nothing I could do about it. It was as though a thief came to your house,stole all your valuables and left in peace because you are powerless! That was my state,powerless!

Author's note:Hey guys,2 updates in a day...I sure deserve some accolado!! I feel the book's taking a turn. We are just starting! Don't forget to vote,comment and share with friends. Love y'all💞

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