Chapter 26

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It's 4:00pm already. I'm at the CBN waiting for Haneefah anxiously.

"Thanks for coming" a voice said through the glass

"Oh,you're here already?" I asked

"Yeah" she said forcing a smile that didn't seem real.

"So where we headed?" I asked her

"Anywhere, just drive" she muttered

I drove out and headed north. No idea where I'm driving us to. Finally, I made a stop at the city park. If I passed the city park, I have no idea where else to go to. City park has always been a good place for me to hangout. I enjoy playing the football tournament especially ones played at night. I have deformed lately I only enjoy watching.

We stayed right in the car as I tuned down the volume of the radio.

"So, what are we doing here?" I asked

"Haha,you drove us here" she replied

"At your request, remember?" I raised my left brow to let her realize she was the one who called me

"Yeah,so the thing is, I've had a very bad experience regarding my last relationship" she started sobbing

"I'm sorry" I gave her an assuring look

"So we dated with this Faisal of a guy,and he was just like you, handsome and caring b-u-t.." this time tears started to flow down her cheeks

"We can leave it if its causing you more harm" I said. I really don't like seeing prop cry,especially when I don't know why they are doing so.

"No, it has to be today. After we decided to get married and all plans were going fine. Then came an issue, it was just a little issue. We had to take a test,for STDs and Genotype. That test ruined my life, I wish we never took the test" she said

"I'm so sorry, was he positive for any of the STDs?" I asked in curiosity

"It would have been better. We both had genotypes AS" she replied

"It means you both were carriers. I'm sorry about that" I replied.

My heart started to bear fast. I could feel the adrenaline circulating through my veins.

The end is here

What on earth did I do to deserve this?

"So,do you know your genotype?" Haneefah asked

"No,I don't" I replied.

Deep down I knew that I lied. But she was already broken. The truth wasn't needed at that moment. The truth could be lethal. And I don't want to do harm to her already hurt soul.

"You have to go and check as soon as possible, I don't want to take chances this Time" she replied

"Sure, I will" I replied

I drove her back home. All my way back home I kept thinking of why did I stop that day I first saw her by the roadside. Why did I help? This is all my fault. I would've just moved on. Someone else may have helped helped her out.

I know I can't hide the bitter truth from her for long. But it's not something I could have told her right there.

Immediately I reached home,I collapsed to my bed and starter thinking of the best way to let her know her heart will be broken again. "I don't want to break her heart. I'll let the Doctor do that" I told myself when I finally figured out a plan. I'll take a test with her by my side and we would wait for the result. The Doctor will be the one to announce it. I wouldn't have to deal with breaking her fragile heart. I'll only play the role of a consoler. Yes,that's the only way out and the earlier the better.

I called our family Doctor and told him about the situation. He convinced me that I took the right step.

"You are a hero Abdul" he said over the phone. I smiled to myself.

"Come along with her tomorrow morning and take the test in front of her. I'll be there to do the counseling" Dr.Saleh added

"OK Sir, we'll be there, thank you" I said as I hung up the call.

We don't always get what we want huh? But they say everything happens for a reason. Do humans say that to convince themselves that everything's gonna be fine? Or is it a statement based on logic?

I sent Haneefah a text telling her she should be getting ready for my test tomorrow since it's important that we go together.

It was only unclear to Haneefah whether she had lost me,but I already knew that we've lost grip of our hands. I wouldn't give thanks to the brain behind the genotype testing. How could a test run in an hour ruin a person's entire relationship? Its sickening. But the world would've been full of half healthy people and it wouldn't have helped matters.


I walked to the dining for my Dinner. Asma'u was typing on her PC. She looked so serious with her glasses. It's not a good time to distract her with "sa min abinci-(serve me some food)" so I helped serve myself. I only ate half of what I thought I could finish.

As I ate,many thoughts rained upon me. Maybe I should forget about settling with someone for a while. Maybe I should check the net for sites that can help out. Maybe maybe maybe, and it kept going.

Then the last thought that finally slipped i replied

"Try out Zeenah! If it doesn't workout, forget it, go back to prayer and fasting". What a nice thought even though I didn't like the second part. Finally, I settled with the last thought. Since Zeenah had already found her way to my list,so be it.

" Have you guys heard from Khadijah?" I asked Asma'u

"Yes,they touched down since,I've forgotten about that sef"


"Zeenah's mum was here earlier to see mum. She said you didn't even bother to check her even though you were told she shared a street with Uncle Faruk,she wasn't that serious though" Asma'u added

"Eyah..she won't get it,I was so tired yesterday" I replied

"You have tomorrow" Asma'u said as she carried along her PC to her room. I watched her vanish.

Author's note: It's important to ask some questions about genotype whenever one feels the need to. Prevention is better than cure! To all the warriors out there, keep fighting. This chapter is dedicated to y'all.

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