Chapter 4: The Baron's Mission

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"You, get the horses and take three guards with you. Ride out and help Cerberus any way you can, and bring him back safely to his quarters." The Baron barked, his brow knit and his face filled with rage.

"At once Sir."

The Baron once again brought the telescope to his eye, and looked at the flames where he had last seen the cloaked figure. The figure had long since entered the flames, with no fear of burning nor burning the boy.

"Just what was that thing?" The Baron thought out loud.

"Maybe it's a demon or monster, Sir." One of the guards said as he approached the Baron.

"Demon, monster, mortal or God, I want it brought before me in shackles so I can teach it the error of its ways. Nobody takes from me and lives to tell the tale." The Baron growled.

"Sir, while the men go get Cerberus, you should return to your quarters and also take a look at the letter the King sent." The guard said as he passed the sealed note to the Baron.

"Yes, you right. I want a lookout keeping an eye on The Desolate Plains at all times. If that thing makes a move, I want to know about it. Also I want a report on Cerberus as soon as possible." The Baron said as he grabbed the note and stormed towards the keep gate.

The guards scurried around, however it was far from chaotic. It seemed fluent, organised, beautiful even. In the midst of an unknown enemy, the Blackbarrow guards showed no fear and performed their duties like a practised play. It took them almost no time at all to get to the Hell Hound and tend to his wounds as best they could on the spot. A short few minutes later, a wagon arrived and Cerberus was placed on the back and transported back to the keep.

"You wench, bring me some wine!" The Baron bellowed as he took a seat behind his desk.

The slave quickly ran to the cabinet and took out a bottle of wine and a goblet. She placed the goblet down in front of the Baron and poured his wine. The Baron grabbed the goblet and gulped down its entire contents in one go. She wasted no time in refilling it for the Baron. The Baron took another sip before he opened the King's letter.


Dark times lay in wait of us, I fear our great realm will once again be plunged into war. The prophecy has come true. The flames that engulf The Desolate Plains is nothing more but a countdown. By the time you receive this letter there will most likely only be three to four vrots left before it will begin. I have sent ravens to all the kingdoms within Ejitope, calling them to arms. Your keep is the closest to The Desolate Plains, so I have sent my fastest raven to you, with a special mission. Prevent the demon of the blaze from progressing out of The Desolate Plains. Blackbarrow guards do not get along with my men. For that reason, I will not send any reinforcements your way. Hold out until I march that way with the Ejitope army. It will take me one Prytorst to prepare everything. Should you complete your mission, you will be handsomely rewarded.

I pray for your success.


"That bastard! He is using me as the vanguard. No, not even the vanguard. Blackbarrow is a meat shield meant to slow down the demon of the blaze. I am not expendable trash! Wait, could Conanus be losing power and now fears me and my military might? Yes, yes that can be the only reason. Oh poor old Conanus, don't you worry. I will complete my mission and for my reward, I think I will take the throne. It's time Ejitope had a new ruler, Conanus might have been a legend in his prime, but now he is nothing but a scared old man." The Baron said as a devious smile crept across his face.

"My master, I would like to introduce you to somebody. She is new here, and I've heard she is quite skilled at relieving all kinds of, stress." The girl said as she called out for a young lady to step forward.

The lady was astonishingly beautiful, not even the main attraction at the best brothel could match her beauty. She looked roughly 25 Krosts old, her face had only the bare minimum of makeup on, it was clear she did not need it. She had a small button nose and thin lips, her face rivalled the face of a queen. Her arms and legs were slender and smooth, she had ample bosom, a slender waist and broad childbearing hips. The Baron could not believe his eyes, he had to have her as his wife. She carried an air of grace and royalty, the way she walked, her posture, mannerisms, they all were perfect. Forging a background of royalty for her would be a simple task for him, after all he couldn't be going around marrying a peasant.

"My master." She said as she curtsied and stepped behind the Baron.

"I'm sure she will be to your satisfaction, both in and out of your private chambers." The other girl said as she filled the Baron's goblet once more.

The young woman placed her hands on the Baron's shoulders, they were soft and her gentle touch made even the cruel Baron's heart beat faster. She begun to apply pressure on the Baron's shoulders and massaged him. The Baron felt as if his body was melting, he had never felt so much tension leave his body like this before. She leaned forward and begun to nibble on the Baron's ear, as she continued to massage his shoulders. The Baron, heavily excited, grabbed his goblet and emptied it in one massive gulp.

"I can relieve, all your stress and tension, if you wish my master." She said as her hands begun to move down the Baron's body.

The Baron could no longer contain himself, he stood and grabbed the young woman by her hand. She obediently followed him to his bed.

"Where am I?", the boy managed to croak, "Ah, this must be hell. Why don't the flames hurt?"

"Do not fear young boy, this is not hell, at least not yet..."

The boy slowly sat up and look all around him, but all he could see were flames. Astonished by being able to stand in the middle of a hell blaze without burning, the boy stretched his hand towards a flame. He grabbed the flame in his hand, it felt a lot more solid than he expected a flame to feel. He wondered if all flames felt this way, his thoughts were interrupted by the cloaked figure.

"Peace will come to this realm, but no calm comes before the storm. I'm sorry, but I don't have any clothes to offer you. What I can offer you is a safe place to stay. Nobody will enter these flames, so you will be safe for the time being."

The cloaked figure stood up and walked until his body was consumed by flames, and the boy was left all alone. The boy did not know what laid beneath the cloak, however the boy knew it had a kind heart. Trusting only his instincts the boy laid back down and closed his eyes.

"A time will come where the entire realm is at peace. I wish I could have lived to see it, where all people will be equal and live together, building towards their happiness." The boy said as tears streamed from his closed eyes, and his breathing slowly came to a stop.

Two Vrots remained before the flames subdued and the claim was made.    

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