Chapter 6: The Gods' Warrior & the Ancient Prophecy

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The skies showed signs of a heavy storm brewing in the distance, it looked as if it would cover the entirety of The Desolate Plains. This was no mere coincidence, less than a vrot remained before the prophecy would come true and only a vicious storm would be able to douse the blaze that engulfed The Desolate Plains. The capital was quiet that vrot; most people holed up inside their houses, making sure to barricade the windows as a form of protection against the coming storm. Those who were outside were either homeless or just purely insane. One such insane man walked the streets of the capital in search of a tavern where he could get his fill of alcohol. Most of the taverns were sealed shut, and those that were still open were in the process of locking up. With no-one willing to offer the man a drink he turns towards the capital's gates, and was prepared to venture to the next town. Once he had reached the gate however, he was greeted by a short man who reeked of alcohol and wore tattered clothes.

"Massive storm is brewing, King says it's something to do with the prophecy or some such bullshit." The homeless man said.

"It's seems you doing quite fine with refreshments, perhaps you can direct me to a place where I could also get my fill."

"You will have no luck in this city my friend. Best alcohol in Ejitope can be found in Blackbarrow and that's roughly a vrot's ride away, probably three or four if you travelling by foot."

"Which way to Blackbarrow then?"

"You seem like a traveller who's new to these parts. See that massive blaze in the far distance, Blackbarrow is just before that blaze. Word of advice; from one drinker to another, you best stay away from Blackbarrow till after the war. Rumours say that the King is going to use Blackbarrow as a sacrifice to buy time for his armies to gather and march towards The Desolate Plains."

"It just so happens I have some business in The Desolate Plains. Guess I will be heading that way after all. Thanks." The man said as he tossed a yhtas to the homeless man.

The man adjusted his cloak, pulled the hood over his head and begun his journey towards the blaze.

Elsewhere Jacob was camping on the side of the road on his way to Silverdrift. The forest was dark and Jacob required a torch to see, even though it was only twilight. Zihq Forest wasn't a dangerous place, the people just did not like the fact that it was always dark, with the exception of sunrise, when the forest allowed little tinkles of light to shine through the gaps in the trees. Under the light of his torch, Jacob begun to pitch his little tent and start a fire to keep warm. It was well into the night when Jacob heard leaves rustling and the faint sound of footsteps. He did not fear for he believed he had the Gods' divine protection and nothing could hurt him, whether it be a pack of wolves or some strange unknown creature, he had nothing to fear.

"Are you the one working for the Gods?" A voice asked Jacob.

The voice sounded as if it came from right in front of him, which caused him to flinch slightly, yet nothing but his campfire sat before him.

"You can try what you want. Be you man, creature, animal or demon, I cannot be harmed as long as the Gods do not ordain it. So you are wasting your time and mine, leave before they smite you where you stand." Jacob replied to the voice.

"Oh they can try, but you will just be hit with me." The voice said as the smoke from the campfire begun to drift around Jacob.

"Divine light cannot harm the pure and faithful, it only scorches the filth that is not worthy being in its presence."

"You are quite the interesting man. I've seen priests beg the Gods not to strike while I was wrapped around them, they all had a look of fear in their eyes. You know why? Cause the Gods don't care what is pure and faithful, everything is filth in their eyes.", a female voice giggled, "Yet you don't have that fear in your eyes, which can only lead me to believe that what you saw wasn't a God, but a demon; or worse."

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