Chapter 7: Blackbarrow's Defeat

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"What is that?" The Baron said while he tried to stifle a laugh.

"Indeed. He claimed he was sent by the Gods, but just look at that" A guard said to the Baron before he let out a chuckle.

"This is the most pitiful excuse for a castle in all the land, and he dares to challenge us. That looks more like a peasant farmer's shack than a royal castle." The Baron said as he burst out into a hearty laugh.

"Us Blackbarrow guards are more than enough to deal with him, we should send a raven back to the king and tell him we have this under control."

"Yes, as much as I would love to do that too, I think it will be better to have the king march here. He will arrive and see the situation is dealt with and we will have a massive feast to celebrate our success. We will poison the king, and with our recent success, we will prove to the realm that I am worthy of being the new king." The Baron said as he stroked his chin.

"An excellent plan Sir. I have always wondered how good the wrenches in the capital are."

"I can just imagine it, from Blackbarrow guards to the royal army of his majesty Garnet. Nothing would be able to stop us." Another guard said to the other guards.

"Ready 100 men, they will march upon The Desolate Plains soon, and when they get there they will take Royland's head!" The Baron commanded.

Royland sat on his stone throne and woke the golem from its slumber. The golem's eyes slowly creaked open and his head turned slightly to face Royland. Upon seeing Royland's gaze, the golem knelt down. It did not raise its head, nor did it make any attempt to stand up. It remained knelt and waited for Royland to tell it otherwise. Royland sat and stared at the golem in complete silence, after quite some time had passed Royland finally spoke.

"First I must ask your forgiveness, you will not understand why I ask this of you, but I feel I must. Next I must ask what would you name yourself. Indeed, it is uncommon for golems to be allowed to name themselves, let alone speak, yet I grant you this right. How do you respond?"

"It no need master ask forgiveness. I serve master. I thank master for let me choose name. Name is Dahk, master."

"You may rise Dahk. I'm sorry to tell you, but you are the only solider in this army as of now. We will be attacked before the vrot is over. You will get more comrades, but not in a pleasant way. I apologise for that now already. Get ready to move out at once, we will meet them in the centre of the field that separates The Desolate Plains from Blackbarrow Keep."

Dahk rose to his feet, ripped his stone sword from the ground and begun to walk to what would become the first battleground. Royland let out a deep sigh before he stood and followed Dahk to the battlefield.

Elsewhere Jacob had made it through Zihq Forest and saw Silverdrift's guard outpost. Silverdrift did not have a massive army to defend itself, however the dwarves had built many traps and defence mechanisms to aid them against attacks. With those defences at hand, Silverdrift has been able to defend itself from foreign invaders for thousands of krosts. Normally it would be hard for somebody to simply enter Silverdrift without permission from the Ruler of Silverdrift, yet Jacob did not worry in the slightest. He knew the Gods would guide him and make a way for him to enter, in order to spread their message. Jacob approached the outpost at the base of the mountain, several guards had their crossbows aimed at him, ready to strike should he try anything.

"State your business in Silverdrift stranger." The guard shouted from the top of the outpost.

"Worry not my good men, I am a messenger of the Gods and I simply come to tell your ruler the news."

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