Chapter 16: Giselle's Nightmare

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"Everything fine, master plan not fail. Live happy life." Dahk said to Giselle as he escorted her to the border of The Desolate Plains.

Giselle wanted to ask Dahk where Royland and Stain were but decided against it. She thought they might be getting ready to take over Blackbarrow and end Garnet's life. She too had her own mission to fulfill, and it was to get her children and escape from Blackbarrow. The night was ominous, and Giselle had to use an oil lamp to see in front of her. Thick black thunder clouds hung in the night sky, completely obscuring the moon. Thunder could be heard in the distance as blots of lighting streaked through the clouds, readying themselves to be struck down to the ground.

When Giselle reached Blackbarrow's gate she was surprised to see that the gates were sealed shut, with an entire platoon guarding them. What terrified Giselle the most was the fact that none of the Blackbarrow guards were drunk, they were all sober and focused. The lieutenant of the platoon walked towards the gate where he looked Giselle over.

"Remove your hood then clearly state your name and purpose for coming to Blackbarrow." The lieutenant said, it was clear that he had his hand ready on his sword.

Giselle removed her hood, "I am Giselle, a spy sent by Baron Garnet to discover the whereabouts of the missing Blackbarrow guards. I have returned with a report and need to see the Baron immediately."

The lieutenant had his men open the gate and told one of the guards to escort Giselle to the Baron at once. The streets were devoid of citizens, and all Giselle saw were guards patrolling; not a single one of them were drunk. This was a first for Giselle, throughout her entire life in Blackbarrow not once had she seen a sober Blackbarrow guard. Something was wrong or something big was going to happen, Giselle could not rid herself of the bad feeling she had.

"Why is Blackbarrow in lockdown?" Giselle asked the guard who was escorting her.

"A couple of vrots ago the guards in the watch tower were all slaughtered, whoever did it was extremely good too. Not a single guard had a chance to draw his weapon."

Giselle could only think of two men she knew who were capable of doing that, Royland had not left The Desolate Plains, which meant by process of elimination it had to be Stain who slaughtered the guards. She had to get her children and get out of Blackbarrow the following vrot before Stain arrived.

"I warn you, the Baron is not in a good mood. I trust you have good news for him." The guard said as he knocked on the door.

"What is it! I said I don't want to be disturbed unless it's of extreme importance!" Garnet bellowed from inside the room.

"Sir, I have brought you Giselle the spy. She claims she has a report to give to you." The guard said in a clear and loud voice.

"Why didn't you say so, you idiot! Let her in at once, then you may leave!"

The guard gave Giselle a 'told you so' look before he pushed the doors open and let Giselle in. Giselle stepped inside the room and looked behind her as the door shut. Garnet sat behind his desk, his face had a look that was nothing short of pure anger. Before Giselle had a chance to speak the Baron stood up with such force that it flung his chair back.

"Giselle my dear! I am so glad to see you are alive and well. You would not believe the crap I had to deal with, since when did my guards become so incompetent. Slave! Wine!", Garnet waited for the slave to bring him his wine. He snatched the goblet from her hand, "Oh how rude of me, would you like some wine as well my dear Giselle?"

Giselle knew better than to further anger Garnet, especially when she had to give him the bad news, "I would love some Baron."

"You heard her you stupid wench, get the woman some wine!" Garnet said before he slapped the slave through her face.

The young woman fell to the ground from the impact of the slap, she held a hand to her burning cheek, but did not have the luxury of tending to it before it bruised and left a mark. She stood up and poured Giselle a goblet of wine. Giselle took the goblet from the slave with a sympathetic look on her face, but could do nothing to help the slave woman.

"Please take a seat and let's discuss your reward after I hear my report." Garnet said as he motioned for Giselle to the seat opposite his own.

Giselle had never been so nervous in her life, if Garnet was unhappy with the report, he could have her killed out of rage.

"I'm afraid I return with grave news Baron. The guards have deflected to Royland's side where they live the lives of nobles. Royland's castle is an impressive fortress as well, with an abundance of rich soil and animals. Starving them out is not an option."

"You dare mock me woman! I saw with my own two eyes the pitiful excuse of a castle he has and you have the nerve to not just tell me that my loyal men deflected but that his castle is an impressive fortress?" Garnet said as he slammed his fist onto his desk.

"I would not lie to you Baron, what I've said is all true. I too saw a pathetic castle when I was approaching The Desolate Plains, that much is undeniable, however it would seem that he has cast some illusionary magic to fool his enemies into thinking he is weak. As for the traitorous cowards, I have proof they have deflected." Giselle drew the insignia from her pouch and gave it to Garnet.

"Thank you for your report Giselle. You may leave now; we shall discuss your reward another time. Firstly, I need to think about some things. I will have a guard fetch you when I am ready to discuss your reward with you."

Giselle stood up and thanked Garnet before she made her way out of his quarters. She didn't care for the reward and all she wanted was to get her children and leave Blackbarrow for good. Outside she found the guard that escorted her earlier, she asked where the guard was that looked after her children. The guard led her to the man before he returned to his duties.

"Hi there, I hear you are the man who looked after my children during my absence. Thank you so much."

"Yeah they were quite the handful. I think I deserve some form of compensation for doing all the hard work, while you were out gallivanting about." The guard said as he looked over Giselle's body.

"It's not like that, I was on an important mission for the Baron."

"Sure you were wench; it's very important work for sluts such as yourself to please the Baron."

"No! I did not such thin-", Giselle was cut off midsentence as the guard placed a hand over her mouth.

"Now you listen to me you little slut. You are going to listen to me and compensate me for looking after your children. Do you understand me?" The guard said as he tightened his grip around Giselle's face.

Tears streamed down her face as she nodded as best she could with the guard's hand over her mouth.

"Good, see things are so much easier when you obey your superiors."

Giselle followed the guard to his house. They stopped outside and the guard started laughing, "I recently obtained a new trophy, I hope you like it."

They entered the house and what Giselle saw made her drop to her knees. Her voice was taken away and only tears streamed down her cheeks. The door shut and locked behind the guard who then walked and stood in front of Giselle with a smile on his face. Mounted on the wall above the fireplace was the head of Giselle's oldest child. She knew then and there that Garnet had no intention of rewarding her at all, she remembered how he killed her husband after he completed the job Garnet had hired him for. Garnet was a man who left no loose ends behind, so why did she think her case would be any better. The guard smacked Giselle through her face before he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to his underground dungeon. He stripped her of all her clothes and flung her to the ground. A small worn out mattress laid in the corner of the room and various whips and paddles for sexual torture hung from the walls. Giselle never resisted the guard as he attached a slave collar to her neck and attached a lock to her ankle, that had a chain pinned to the wall.

"Now let's begin your training.", the guard said as he removed his armor and clothes.

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