02. 6.2 miles

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[Hey y'all So here is the second chapter. I know this looks really confusing but I just want to get this story started, just bare with me, okay:) Please let me know your thoughts so far. I hope you enjoy it and leave a comment telling me what you think and what you'd like to happen, oh and vote if you'd like. Hope you enjoy:) This is NOT edited]

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      I'm at 6.2 miles.

      In through my nose, out through my mouth.

      In through my nose, out through my mouth.

      Check my watch. I've slowed to a 12-minute mile. I'm going as about as fast as I can. Half a mile to go.

      Today when I woke up, I wasn't sure my knee could handle running again after I fell and tore my ACL. But I missed it. I missed running so much that I was just willing to take the risk.

      I look at my long, thin scar for a second. I used to hate it, I refused to wear shorts, skirts or anything that didn't cover my knee the entire summer, I learned to love it eventually, and even though I did physical therapy, I didn't run again.

      Until now.

      "Nice and slow, nice and slow." I say for the hundred time since I started running, trying to keep my breath steady.

      It's almost 7am, which means I have been running for about an hour. Exactly the time I had planned to run. Many people wouldn't be able to put up with the torture of having to wake up so early to do exercise of all things, but I like to run at this hour. It is just really peaceful. There are no cars horns hinking, no crowds of people to rush through to where you were going, no fights breaking out on the streets... Just a quiet serenity, clean air and nice weather. 

      Breath in, Breath out.

      Oh yes, I really did miss this.

      One foor after the other. In through the nose, out through the mouoth.

      "On your left!"

      A boy streaks by me. He settles directly in front of me and goes even faster. He turns around, and I nearly lose my footing at the sight of him.

      "Are you kidding me?" I gasp.

      "What?" He grins and slows to a jog.

      "What are you doing here?"


      I flip him the bird. He throws his head back and laughs. Stiill running. But now he's standing by my side, matching my pace perfectly. We run in silent for about three minutes, and I'm losing myself in thoughts. What's Luke doing here? When I look over at his face, I find his mout shut in a tigh smile.

      Breath in, Breath out.

      Although I feel really sweaty, I hope he's seeing me as I want to be seen: blonde hair flowing in the wind, moving swiftly and gracefully.

      I picked up my pace, maybe he would get the hint and let me run alone. But then I heard quick and strong footsteps, and I realized Luke was still running by my side.

      "Stop that!" I say.

      "Stop what?"

      "Running with me."

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