CHAPTER EIGHT | I said it in a whisper.

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I would recommend listening to this beautiful song while reading, just to make it better.

Not too long after Caitlin and Barry were sitting in the living room eating ice cream and laughing. It just felt right for both of them, being together again, being friends and just being there for each other. It was like nothing ever happened, like nothing changed, they were just continuing where they left off. Barry's facial expressions showed that he was just the most happy person when he is around her, that no one can make him that happy as Caitlin could. She was his light in the dark, his happiness in his sadness, his faith in life, she was everything his life needed and more.

'' You seem alot happier then in the restorant. '' said Caitlin as she broke off Barry's thoughts.

'' It's because I am, I've missed this, I missed you. '' he said it with a shy smile, putting his head down.

'' I'm sorry for acting like I did, I didn't know how to react or how to feel in that moment but it just felt right in that time to leave. '' Cait said as she left the remains of the ice cream back on the table.

'' Yeah, I get it. But I just want you to know that nothing happened between me and Iris in that night. I took her backstage and left her there, I came back out to see where you were and I just saw your friends running out and I knew it was about you, so I followed and in the spot of my eye, I saw you crying on the floor knowing how much that hurt you but I couldn't do anything... '' Barry just stopped in the middle of his speech, he never said it out loud which hit him more then it did before. He realised why and what he did and how much that impacted both of them. He stood by and did nothing, that hurted him to say and to remember. But in the end the choices that were made, couldn't be taken away, they couldn't be reversed. And once again his thoughts were interrupted by Caitlin. She saw that Barry was hurting and even tho that hurted her, she couldn't resist and not give him a hug. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, pulling him closer.

'' I don't deserve that.. '' a tear dropped down Barry's face when he said that.

'' We are both humans, we make mistakes but you atleast got to know what they were and you just fixed them. '' she kept hugging him.

'' You forgive me? '' another tear dropped down his face, sliding onto Cait's shirt.

'' Of course, I forgive you idiot. '' she smiled as she pulled back and wiped the tear from Barry's cheek. '' Now let's stop being sappy and go and do some fun stuff like we used to. '' she smiled at him gently again.

'' Yeah, let's do it. '' and he slowly broke a smile.

For the next few hours they were watching some tv shows, playing board games, just doing ordinary teenage things. They even played some karaoke which Caitlin hated since she didn't know how to sing, they played summer lovin' and after it they just bursted to laughing because of Caitlin's bad singing. Barry in the other hand was pretty amazing at it, no one knew about this side of him so she sweared to keep it a secret. It was their little secret. The rest of the night was pretty ordinary, they both got tired so they sat back on the couch and in the middle of that they exchanged this certain look. The look you give when you see what you want for your future, the thing that you love and in that moment they both knew what was going on between them but neither of them was brave enough to do something about it. And mostly because Caitlin was still with Jay and she loved him but she also loved Barry too and now in a way that's more then friends, a way that lovers feel.

'' I'm actually really tired now, I really wanna go to sleep. '' she swallowed her feelings and tried to break the moment.

'' Um yeah, of course. '' Barry slowly snapped out of it.

'' I'll take the couch, just bring me a pillow. '' she smiled awkwardly.

'' No, no you can go sleep on my bed and i'll sleep here. '' he slowly got up and looked around awkwardly.

'' No, it's your house and your bed, i'll take the couch, it's fine. ''

'' Caitlin, you are gonna take my bed okay? '' he looked at her, giving her his hand for her to stand up. As she took it, she tripped over a pillow on the floor and fell right into Barry's arms. They both looked at each other, exchanging looks and a little smile.

'' Um, this is... '' Caitlin tried to speak but she couldn't find the right words.

'' Awkward and pleasing at the same time. '' added Barry with a smile. Caitlin slowly backed up, nodding her head. She knew it was gonna be hard to suppress these feelings for him but she needed to. She loved Jay and she couldn't hurt him, so she just ran upstairs, realising that she didn't have any pj-s to wear.

'' God, can you make this any harder. '' she whispered.

Barry knew that she didn't have anything to wear so he followed her up giving her his t-shirt and his old sweatpants which didn't fit him anymore. Caitlin took her shirt off fast not realising Barry was still there, which left Barry in shook.

'' Um, uh.. i'll just turn around, go or leave... '' he got stuck in his own words. Caitlin quickly pulled up her t-shirt and her sweatpants on, while Barry stood there, looking down and trying to be a gentleman and not look even thought he wanted too. He insisted to tuck her in the bed which she didn't want at first but then she just gave up.

'' Thanks for everything. '' she smiled softly as she sank into her sleep.

'' You know I would do anything for you. '' he whispered slowly, trying to stay quiet as possible. '' I love you, Caitlin Snow. '' he whispered as he kissed her forhead and left the room thinking she would never hear that but little did he know that she actually heared him this time.

There you go babes! Sorry for the slow updates, my school started and it's killing me and I just couldn't find the time to write this and post it but I hope you like it! It's kinda short but i'll try to make it better next time as the story progresses. Also thank you for the huge support on my story lately, I love you all so so so much. I hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. :) <3 

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