Chapter 1

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1) This is my first time writing a story
2) English is not my first language
3) I'm not really a detailed person
4) Enjoy, Comment and Vote


Yunhee POV
*Alarm ringing*
I moan and groan as I reach out to stop my alarm, glancing at the clock, it read 7:30am. I reached out for my phone and stayed in bed for 10 minutes longer before I got out of bed to get ready for school. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower.

After taking a shower, I walked into my walk-in closet, deciding what to wear today. My school doesn't have a uniform, so I decided to wear blue skinny jeans, black cropped sweatshirt and Adidas Superstars.

I let my brown long hair down, put on lipbalm before grabbing my iPhone 7 plus, credit card and money, and putting it in my white backpack

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I let my brown long hair down, put on lipbalm before grabbing my iPhone 7 plus, credit card and money, and putting it in my white backpack.

By the time I finished getting ready, it was already 8:10 am. I walked downstairs to the dining room where my parents and my twin brother were already there eating breakfast, cooked and served by our maids.

"Good morning appa, eomma, oppa." I greeted each them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek before sitting down to eat my breakfast.

"Good morning Yunhee-ah," they greeted me back.

"Yunhee-ah, Jungkook-ah come back home early today araseo?" Eomma said.

"Waeyo?" Jungkook asked.
"Because we're going out for dinner with my best friend that I haven't met for years," Appa answered
"Araseoyo," I said as I wiped my mouth.

Jungkook is not at the dorm because there's no schedule for the next two weeks. We have our yearly test and graduation next week.

"Oppa, are we going separately or together?" I asked my brother
"Let's go together," he answered.
"Okay, but we have to pick up Jihyo too," I said to him before looking at the clock.

"Let's go Oppa, it's 8:30 already and I don't want to be late," I said as we stood up we say goodbye to our parents, then made our way to the garage. We decided to take the Mercedes Benz GLC today.

Less than 10 minutes later, we arrived at Jihyo's house or should I say mansion. Her mansion is in the same neighbourhood as us so it's not very far.

"Hi Jihyo," Jungkook and I greeted as she entered the car.
"Hi," she greeted us back with a smile.

On the way to school, we were kind of having a concert in the car. Singing to kpop and English song. We arrive at school 5 minutes before our first period, which starts at 9 am.

We walked to our lockers to get our books. On the way to the lockers, the students would greet us and compliment us as we walked past them. When we got our books we walk to our class, the three of us all being in the same class.

By the time we got there most students were already there, and we moved to sit in our seats in the back corner of the room. My seat is next to the window, next to me is Jihyo and Jungkook, behind us with Seungwon, one of our classmates.

After a couple of minutes, the teacher arrived. Her name is Mrs.Cho. She is 29 years old. She's pretty nice but she can be really scary sometimes.

"Good morning everyone," she said as she walked in with a big smile on her face.

"Good morning, Mrs.Cho," we greeted her back. "So this week we'll be doing revision for the exam that's coming up next week." She said as she started handing out revision sheets.

*skip to lunchtime*
*bell rang*

I packed my things up and waited for Jihyo and Jungkook. As we walked to the cafe, there were some students asking for our signature or a selca and would compliment us as we walked past them. We just give them a smile while bowing our head a little bit as a thank you.

Third Person POV

"What are you gonna eat today?" Jihyo asked when we arrived at the cafeteria.

"I want bibimbap today," Yunhee answered. "Can you get me one too?" Jungkook said, giving her puppy eyes, to which she sighed and nodded.

"I want pizza today, so I'll meet you at the table," Jihyo said then walked to where they sell pizza.

"I'll wait for you at the table," Jungkook said, then walked to their usual table.

"Here," Yunhee placed the bowls on the table, sitting down opposite her twin. "Gomawo," his eyes sparkled.

"The queue was so long," Jihyo complained sitting down next to Jungkook. She took a bite of it and the irritated expression washed off her face, "but it is worth it."

A couple of minutes later, some squealing erupted from fellow students, signalling the arrival of BTS.

All BTS members, except Jungkook, go to University, which is on the same property lot as the high school, just different buildings, but they still shared the same cafeteria, hall and field.

Taehyung and Jimin sat down next to Yunhee after they bought their lunch.

"So what are you guys doing this afternoon?" Jimin asked, eating his salad.

"Yunhee and I are going out for dinner with our family," Jungkook answered.

"Same, I have to go out for dinner too," Taehyung said as he took an egg roll from Yunhee's bowl and shoved it in his mouth.

"Yah! That's my egg roll!" Yunhee exclaimed as she hit Taehyung's right shoulder.

"I'll treat you to ice cream." He said as he tried to block from her hits. "You better be." She went back to eating.

"I don't see why people ship them so much they always fight and hit each other," Namjoon said as he shook his head. "That's the point. The way they fight and interact makes them look like a couple." Jin said as he himself is a Taehee shipper.

"But we're best friends," Yunhee groaned but she actually wanted to sigh in disappointment.

*skip to after school*

Jihyo and the twins say goodbye to BTS before walking to their car. The ride was the same as always which is them singing and dancing in the car.

"Thanks for the ride, bye oppa bye Yunhee" Jihyo waved "bye Jihyo-ah," the twins said in unison then they playfully glared at each other. Jihyo chuckled at the scene.

They may be twins but they don't like to act the same or wear matching clothes. They have similarities such as they both stubborn, competitive, talented and love adventure.

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