Jeon Yunhee, the heiress of Jon Co had to marry her best friend BTS V due to their parents promise and business related. What will happen through their marriage life?
"Yunhee-ah you are getting married to Taehyung after the graduation"
"Are you sur...
The next morning Jin was the first to wake up followed by the girls. Yunhee took a shower first once she comes out Jihyo told Yunhee to wear the matching top that she bought for Yunhee.
Yunhee didn't mind and just took the top walking into the walk-in closet getting dress while Jihyo went to take a shower.
Yunhee's outfit 🔽🔽
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Yunhee put her hair in a ponytail and grabbed her phone and her credit card which she put her credit card in her phone case she sat on her beanbag waiting for Jihyo.
Jihyo's outfit
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Jihyo also put her hair in a ponytail. She put on lipbalm and did the same thing like Yunhee with her credit card.
They went to knock on the boys doors first to wake them up before going into the kitchen helping Jin cooking breakfast.
"Good morning oppa!" the girls greeted Jin. "Morning," he said flipping the pancake.
20 minutes passed and the boys starting to walked downstairs one by one.
"It's smell so good," Yunhee said carrying a plate full of pancakes to the dining table with Jihyo next to her.
"Good morning oppa," Yunhee and Jihyo said when they see all of them sitting at the table. Jhope and Rapmon scrolling through their phones. Maknaes playing games and Suga resting his head on his folded arm sleeping on the table.
"Morning," they replied continued what they doing ignoring the girls which they didn't mind.
"Morning," Jin walked in shortly after. They did the same thing to Jin but this time Jin scolded them for ignoring him.
"Yah! Put your phones away and say good morning back to me properly or you're not having pancakes! Do you know I woke up early to cooked breakfast for you??!! I'm the oldest hyung and this is how you greet me!!"
They put their phones down immediately on the table and after Jin was done scolding them. They say good morning to Jin with loud clear voice.
Jin nodded in satisfied "you can eat" they dig in right after he said that.
"Hurry up!!" Yunhee exclaimed at Jungkook as he's the only one in the house while everyone was in the car.
"I am!!!" Jungkook exclaimed back grabbing his car key and his phone walking out of the house.
Yunhee rolled her eyes as he walked past her. She locked the door before getting in her car as well.
Yunhee starts the car, put on her seatbelt then drove off trailing after Jungkook.
The Jeon twins have a surprise for everyone. They plan on bringing the squad to Everland. They even booked Everland for the whole day so they don't have to worry about being swamp by fans.
"Where are we going?" Jin asked sitting in the backseat with Namjoon and Suga. "It's a surprise," Yunhee said which made them sighed.
"Can you play 'shape of you' please?" She told Taehyung who is sitting next to her and he did what she told.
After half an hour Yunhee's car became quite as they start playing soft music playlist because Suga told them to be quiet while in Jungkook's car they were full of energised and laughs.
"Yeah!! Theme park!!!" They said in excitement when Yunhee and Jungkook drove into Everland carpark.
"There are no people at all. Did you closed the whole thing for us?" Namjoon said when he noticed there are no people when it should be packed already.
"Yes, we did," Jungkook said while Yunhee nodded.
"We haven't been to a theme park without having to hide for ages," Suga said and BTS nodded.
"What should we play first?" Taehyung asked and everyone said different rides.
"How about we'll take a turn choosing oldest to youngest no objections," Namjoon said and everyone agreed.
Jin chose viking boat which made Jhope's pale. He didn't want to play but no one can object.
Since it can only fit 8 people per roll. They sat on the last two rolls. More extreme people sat at the last one which will go really high and the others in front of them.
Namjoon and Yoongi wanted to sit on the last roll but Jimin and Jhope want NJ and YG to sit with them.
Jhope and Hoseok screamed in fear occasionally while Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon would put their hands up screamed in joy and Yoongi just sit there with a poker face. The girls weren't that scared but wouldn't let go of the handle either.
"My legs feel like jelly," Jhope said as his legs wobbled. He took a seat on a bench with Jimin calming his breath down.
"We're going on Rolling X Train next," Suga said before walking ahead.
Rolling X Train is a roller coaster as scary as T-express. Taehyung sat with Yunhee, JK with Jihyo, Yoongi with JM, Jin with NJ and Jhope sat out because he said he really can't. The other didn't let him at first so he said he'll play other rides just not this one.
Yunhee and Jihyo weren't scared at first but they screamed loudly when the rides go down.
"How was it?" Jhope asked when the others walked out.
"It was awesome!!!" Jungkook exclaimed.
"I feel sick," Yunhee said as she feels like throwing up after all the 360 degrees turnings and Jihyo muttered "same".
"Are you okay?" Jin asked as his mother instinct kick in.
"Yeah I'll be fine but can we go sit somewhere and maybe have our lunch?" Yunhee asked as she doesn't want to go on rides right now.
"Geurae," Suga said as he wants to sit down as well.
They walked into Burger Cefé America since it was the closest to where they were.
"What do you want? I'll go buy it for you," Taehyung said standing next to Yunhee.
"I want a chicken burger and coke please," Taehyung nodded and Yunhee walked towards the table.
"Aren't you getting anything?" Yunhee asked Yoongi and Jihyo who were already at there.
"Jimin is getting it for me," Yoongi answered. Yunhee nodded and turn to Jihyo.
"Jungkook oppa is getting it for me as well," Yunhee gave Jihyo a teasing look which made her blushed.
"What about you?" Jihyo asked. Before Yunhee could answer a burger and drink was present in front of her face.
"Oh! Gomawo," she said with a smile looking up at the boy. She took it from his hand placing them on the table. Jihyo was squealing quietly at their interaction.
"You're welcome," he said sitting down next to her.