Chapter 12

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Yunhee's POV

Erghh! My head hurts. I opened my eyes slowly. I can see the lights leaping through the gaps of the curtains. I looked to my left and saw Jihyo sleeping there soundly. I wonder how did we get here. It's probably one of the oppa that put us here.

I went to take a shower to freshen up. Put on grey sweatpants and a black singlet after I finished cleaning myself before putting my hair up in a messy bun.

"Jihyo wake up," I shook her lightly. She groaned and swatted my hand away. I shook her harder and she glared at me. "Get up and go take a shower, remember we have our formal tonight," her glares soften as she nodded lightly while holding her head.

I heard loud snores coming from the living room. So I went to take a look at who it was and I was surprised and confused to see V and Jimin sleeping on the sofa and Jungkook on the floor.

I just leave them be then went to the kitchen. "Good morning oppa," Jin, Namjoon and Jhope turned to look at me before saying good morning as well.

"Why are they sleeping in the living room?" I asked while grabbing some aspirin from the cupboard. "Because we can't be bothered to carry them upstairs," Yoongi's voice can be heard from behind.

"Good morning oppa," I said to him. He just nodded while grabbing some juice from the fridge. "Well I'm gonna go give this to Jihyo first then I'll wake them up after," I said putting aspirin in my pocket then grabbed some water bottles.

"Jihyo-ah are you finish?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"Yeah I am and I'm borrowing your clothes!" she shouted from my walk-in closet. "Sure wear whatever you want".

I gave her aspirin and a water bottle when she walked out. "Gomawo," I just simply nodded.

"Now we have to go wake the boys up"

"Nugu? (who?)" she asked confused.

"You'll see," I passed her one bottle while I grabbed the other two bottles. I brought four bottles with me because the kitchen and the living room are the opposite way and I'm too lazy to walk back and forth.

I walked into the living room with Jihyo trailing behind me. "Them," I pointed to the boys and she sighed when she saw who it was.

"I'm not waking Jungkook up you can do it," I said as I walked to Taehyung. Taehyung is easier to wake up than Jungkook. I sat crisscrossing on the ground "Taehyung-ah ireona," I said poking his face.

"Taehyung? Nugu?" his raspy voice says as he turned his back on me. I rolled my eyes then took a deep breath before doing aegyo "Jagiya ireonayong~"

He sat up facing me smiling with his eyes half open. I rolled my eyes again. I have a habit of rolling my eyes. "Do it again," he said. "Nope," I ignore his pout giving him aspirin and a water bottle.

"Ppoppo," he tapped his lips leaning down to me. "Shireo," I crossed my arms over my chest. He grabbed my face and gave me a peck before running away. I was surprised and was not I mean THIS IS KIM TAEHYUNG we're talking about. I smiled at his cheekiness.

Behind me, Jimin was sitting there rubbing his eyes. I gave him aspirin and a bottle of water just like the others. He muttered thanks.

"Oppa ireonayo," Jihyo says shaking Jungkook but he just swatted her hand away. I tapped her shoulder and gestured her to move away. I opened the water bottle in my hand before pouring it on his face.

He shot up screaming "yah!!! what the hell!!!". Once he realised what happened he glared at me then threw the closest thing from him at me which was a pillow. I stuck my tongue at him when I avoided the pillow. He tried to hit me but his head was hurting so I gave aspirin to Jihyo then escaped before Jungkook sober up.

I went to the kitchen so the others can help me if Jungkook comes to get a revenge. "All of them are awake," I say.

"Do you need help with anything oppa?" I asked Jin. He was cooking some hangover soup I think. "Yeah, can you cook some fried rice please?"

I prepared the ingredients for kimchi fried rice and Jihyo came to help after Jungkook and Jimin went to take a shower.

About 20 minutes after all the food was cooked. Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin came down just in time. "Jal moggesseubnida," we said before digging in. "Guys Sejin hyung will pick us up at 1 pm," Namjoon stated as the rest nodded.

"Are we meeting Jihyo and Yunhee at the formal or are we going together?" Jhope asked. I actually don't know either. "Mum called me and said that she'll send a limousine to take us so I guess we're going together," Taehyung said.

"We have an hour and a half left so we should hurry if we want some time to relax," Jimin said looking at the time on his phone. Talking about phone where is my phone. I didn't see it in my room or my bag.

"Have anyone seen my phone?" I asked after taking a sip of water. "Yeah, I charged it in my room last night. Your phone was dead and I'm too lazy to find your charger," Yoongi said.

"Aww gomawoyo oppa jjang!" I gave him thumbs up. "And yours is charging in the room as well," Jhope said to Jihyo. "You guys are the best," they acted as if they the coolest which made all of us laugh.


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