Chapter 8

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This continues from the last chapter


Yunhee POV

It was Jhope turn to choose and he chose Amazon Express. We sit in these seats as it floats on a river. It splashes here and there but not that much.

"Look at that! It's a crocodile" Jhope said pointing at it a fake one of course but it looked so real and it can move.

I looked around and saw Jhope and Jin being hyped while Jimin filming and laughing at them.

Suga was asleep. The others including me were looking at the animals and would laugh once in a while at Jhope and Jin when they imitate animals.

"Since we are wet a bit why don't we play another water ride," Namjoon said.

The next ride was thunder falls. Obviously a water ride. Yoongi, Jin, Jihyo and I didn't want to get wet so we wore raincoats.

Jihyo and I sat on the last roll. Yoongi and Jin in front of us. It was just a calm normal ride until it turns and backdropped.

Jihyo and I screamed and hugged each other arm. It scared me so much as I wasn't expecting that. When it nearly at the drop it turn again and now it going forward.

Jihyo and I didn't let go of each other arm as we screamed again when it dropped.

When we got off the boat. I looked at the others and my nose nearly bleed. I bet Jihyo was in the same state as me. Those who didn't wear raincoats were drenched. Especially Taehyung and Jungkook as they sat in the front roll.

Taehyung and Jungkook wore white shirts and the shirt because see through as it sticks to their body. I never knew Taehyung's body was this broad. I've seen his back before but it was for a couple of seconds and I've seen his collarbone but never seen below that and now I see that he is quite built. He looks hot even with his baby tummy.

I didn't know I was staring until someone waved their hand in front of me.

"H..huh?" When I came back to reality. It was Taehyung who waved his hand he was standing in front of me which made me had a hard time breathing again.

"What's wrong?" He asked in worry and confuse.

"No..nothing is wrong," I stuttered looking down.

"I know what's wrong," Jungkook said he was smirking when I looked at him.

"Ya..Yah Yah" I warned him before quickly walking over to him and put my hand over his mouth.

He must know what I'm thinking. I dragged him to a clothing store so they can get change. He pushed my hand away when the others were far from us.

"Yah that's hurt you know," he complained. I ignore him.

"Still I know what you were thinking about~" he wiggled his eyebrow at me.

"If you say anything about it I'll tell Jihyo that you have a girlfriend," I threatened him which made him shut up. It's a lie tho.

When the others walked in they complained at how we left them but they just let it slide and went to get changed.

"Are you okay now Jihyo?" I asked Jihyo when we were waiting.

"I'm okay now but I got to say Jungkook body is dayum!!" She squealed quietly next to me. There she goes fangirling over my brother again.

I would fangirl over Jungkook's body if he weren't my brother. We would work out together sometimes so I've seen his body multiple times.

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