Chapter 16

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Yunhee POV

For the past couple of days, Taehyung and I have been so busy. He has been practising and recording preparing for a comeback and I have been doing some paper works and organising stuff for appa's company. 

All the works made us lost track of days that we didn't realise tomorrow is our wedding day. Today we have to go check the venue and other things just to make sure there won't be any mistakes.

"Did you make sure that there will be enough security?" Jungkook asked the head of security. He came with us so he can make sure that everything will be perfect. "Oppa it will be fine, nothing will happen and this is Jihyo's family hotel. I'm sure Jaehyun oppa organized it already," I made a gesture telling the security that he can leave.

"Jungkookie being a protective brother as always," a man voice could be heard from behind. We turned around and saw a late 20's years old man walking towards us with a smile.

"Oh! Annyeong hyung," The guys fists bumps. "Annyeong oppa," he patted my head with a brotherly manner. "I thought you were still in Japan for a business trip," Jungkook stated.

"Yes, I was but I came back yesterday night," we nodded. "Wahhh I can't believe you're getting married before me," he said teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at Taehyung and I.

I shook my head at his silliness. "Well maybe you should find yourself a girlfriend hyung," Taehyung retorted. "I'll get myself a girlfriend when Jihyo get herself a boyfriend," he said.

"I guess that will be soon," Jungkook beamed. "Ooohh Jeon Jungkook~" Taehyung and I cooed but was interrupted by a voice "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but Mr.Song you have a meeting in 10 minutes," a worker that I'm assuming is a secretary said.

"Okay, I'll be there soon," Mr.Song says looking at his watch. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at the reception," he walked away for a couple of steps before turning back to face us "and I'll make sure the security are tight" he smiled then continued his steps to his destination.

If you guessed that Mr.Song was Jihyo's brother then you are correct. His name is Jaehyun, Song Jaehyun. He's been working as the CEO ever since Jihyo's father retired from the position which was 6 years ago.

"See? You don't have to worry about that oppa," I hugged his arm trying to ease his worries. "I'm still worried because we know that this is not just a wedding there's business involves behind it and don't forget that Taehyung is a famous singer which mean fans can crashed it anytime too"

We went home after separating with Jungkook. We want to spend time together watching movie, cuddling and just chill. "Should we order food? We have no food and I'm too lazy to go buy grocery," I looked down at him.

His head was on my lap. My right hand was playing with his silky brown hair and my left hand was intertwined with his. "Nah I'll cook ramyun for you I saw it in one of the cupboards".

"Uwhaaa Kim Taehyung is gonna cook for me. What a pleasure," he got off me bowing his head acting like a prince "the pleasure is all mine princess" we chuckled before walking to the kitchen.

He made me sit on the kitchen table. I looked at him confuse "sit here and watch me cook," I nodded as he went to find ramyun.

"Babe that's the oven," I sighed as I face palmed myself. "I knew that I'm just checking if it's on or not" he closed the oven door then move on to a cupboard.

"Found it!" He waved the package in front of my face then turned back to the stove. I wonder how this will turn out.

Okay that wasn't that bad just small trouble and mess here and there. At least he didn't burn the house down. "Taste it," he blew the soup before feeding me. Hmm it's taste good.

"How is it?" He asked anticipating to hear the answer. "Umm..." I pretend to think before giving him thumbs up with a big smile. "It's good," he smiled proudly at himself

"What movie are we watching?" I placed chips and popcorn down beside him. He tapped the spot next to him extended his arm out for me to lay down.

I laid down cuddling with him putting my left arm over his chest. "Me before you," he replied pressing the play button. We were quiet throughout the movie. He would kissed my head sometimes when the romantic scenes comes on.

Narrator POV

Towards the end of the movie Yunhee was trying to hold her tears but she failed. "What a cry baby," he teased wiping her tears with his thumb.

"It's really sad tho he shouldn't have left her like that," she said through her tears. He giggled at how cute she was. "Stop crying or you'll have a swollen face tomorrow," she nodded her tears were dried but she still has hiccups.

As soon as it dies down they stood up about to walk out of the movie room until Taehyung hissed in pain "ouch!". Yunhee was worried but when she turned around to check if he was okay her emotion was soon changed to surprised, happy and relieved.

Relieved because Taehyung didn't hurt himself. Surprised and happy because Taehyung was on his knee holding a ring. "OMG!" She cover her mouth with her hand. Tears welled up her eyes again.

"Errr...umm...I don't know what to say," he was so nervous that all the words he was gonna say to her was erased from his brain. It became blank. She smiled widely walking closer to him. He closed his eyes as he exhaled. He opened his eyes looking straight in her eyes.

"I know that we are getting married tomorrow but I still wants to propose to you. So even though we've dated only more than a week but we've known each other for more than 5 years. When I first met you, I thought that you were really beautiful outside and inside. I still remember how you came to me asking me if I was alright and cheer me up when I was about to give up my dream. You've always been there for me, became my best friend and my first love. In our life, we have to face many challenges and I know that I could get through them if you stay by my side. I promise to stay with you, protect you and love you till eternity, Jeon Yunhee will you marry me?"

At this point tears were running down their faces as smiles plastered on their face. "You can't say anything other than yes" Taehyung threatened her playfully well not really he means it too.

She laughed before replying to him "Of cause yes," he slipped the ring on her ring finger before standing up and kissed her. The kiss was deep and slow fill with passionate. After a while they ran out of breath so they pulled away catching their breath leaning their foreheads against each other. "I love you," they said in unison.

"I love you more," Taehyung pecked her lips.

I'm sorry I'm sucks at writing kiss scenes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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