Chapter 10- There are no words...

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We'd watched 2 films, The expendables... 1 and 2. I must admit, I actually enjoyed them. The banter back and forth was enjoyable too, I remember this, having friends and having fun... granted I was a kid at the time. I hadn't realised how much of a recluse I'd let myself become.

Stiles was laying on his front, practically dangling off the bed, I was sat up, legs crossed, there was rubbish everywhere. We'd eaten too much and run out of pop. I couldn't help but look at his ass, as he was laid on his tummy, I could get away with sneaking a sly look... wow, what an ass!!

"Alcohol" Stiles said, breaking me out of my trance. Shit did he catch me looking? He did, he's laughing at me....

"Erm... alcohol? what about it?" I said with a shaky voice. He didn't answer me. He'd turned on his side, putting his head in his hand, Looking at me with a smug look on his face, eyebrows raised.

"what?" I asked slightly irritated.

"Nothing." he finally said. "There's alcohol downstairs, I want a stiff  drink... would you like to put the next dvd in while I go get some drinks?!"

Fast and furious, sounds like something up my street... i'll put that one in, and there's 6 of them which means I can stay longer without approaching the subject of staying or going. Sly plan on my side, I hope it works, I'm having way too much fun to think about leaving.

"Heeeeeeeere's your drink....."


We were half way through the third fast and furious film- and very drunk- when my phone started ringing. I didn't want to answer it, but I thought better of it, I moved back so I was leaning against the headboard I pressed the answer button....


"Derek, where are you?" Scott's voice travelled down the phone.

"I'm busy, what do you want?" I replied with ice in my tone. I looked up at stiles who had a mischievous look on his face, I put a 'what are you up to' look on my face, but he just scanned my body, from my eyes to my crotch.

"Derek, did you hear what I said?"


"What are you doing? can you concentrate please?" Scott was getting irate, but I didn't care as Stiles had positioned himself between my legs, walking his fingers up both of them.

"Scott, can I pho....."

"Carry on talking." interrupter Stiles in a whisper.

"Doesn't matter, what is it you're trying to say?" by this time, my dick was rock hard. I put my head back against the headboard to try forget about what Stiles was doing.

"Derek, you're still not listening, who's voice was that? Was it Stiles? Are you at Stiles' house?"

"NO, no... I'm visiting an old friend."

"Where? We need to talk...." The sound of Scott's voice was just a hum to me. Stiles had pulled my joggers down, drawing circles in the skin of both of my thigh's... right at the top....  right next to my stiff dick. He was teasing me.

"What do we need to talk about that can't wait?"

"Why are you short of breathe? who is this 'old friend?' "

"I've, I, I, I've just...." I couldn't talk, Stiles had placed his, warm, wet... gorgeous lips against the head of my dick. He slipped his tongue out and licked the around the rim of it. He was driving me crazy. I felt like thrusting my hips up so he could take all of me in to his mouth... but it looked like he was having fun teasing.

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