Chapter 14- Shadow men.

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As if thing's weren't shit enough already, it also had to be Halloween today.

It's been a week since Stiles, Scott and Isaac told me about the strange goings on. I've done some scouting around and got nothing. Scott has taken it upon himself to keep a watchful eye on Kira... Although I have reason to doubt his motives.

Stiles has become more and more distant over the course of the week, I've tried reaching out to him but I only get a few vague texts hours later in reply. I'm hoping I haven't done anything wrong but at the same time, I'm passed caring. I'm miserable and I'm Ill- yeah, weird huh? I'm either not sleeping or I'm sleeping in and that thick blanket is only getting thicker and... Did I mention it was fucking Halloween today?!

I'm currently laid in my bed, duvet pulled right up to my face, eyes wide open and staring at my wall. What am I doing? I used to be an alpha and now look at me!! I decide then and there that I wasn't going to let myself sink like this. Fuck Stiles and his dad. I'm going out.

After I had my ritual shower time fun I make my way into my bedroom to get dressed, I notice my phone flashing up Stiles' name... So I pressed the decline button. Ha. Serves you right. Its funny how for that brief moment, I actually felt better, a lot like myself. I should have known it wouldn't last....

I walked down the stairs enthusiastically thinking to myself 'today's a new day, all the things happening are just bad dreams, none of it is real.' I skip my morning coffee and go straight for my keys. Heading for the car, I notice Ethan and Aiden skulking around, so ignore them too... 'To hell with the lot of ya' I thought to myself with a hidden smirk.

I drove around for a while, not noticing anything, just numb from all the chaos. I didn't know what to do with myself, I had no one. I didn't know how to handle this new threat and it had me panicking!! I stopped for a costa, trying to pull myself together when I got a text from Scott...

Dude, where are you?

I'm out.

Well yes, I'm at your place... We need to talk.

Reading that message, I suddenly realised that I hadn't a clue where I was, I'd just driven numbly all morning, I should start heading back though, if anything happens in B.h's, I won't be there to help.

I finish my coffee and slam down the cup, with a single minded determinedness I make my way to the car. Then I stopped dead in my tracks as I sight a library, maybe their archives have some answers.....

I spent almost 2 hours in the library, scrolling through old newspaper articles looking for anything to do with 'black men, that come out of the shadows.' Or 'shadow men that leave backwards 5 tattoos.' I got nothing, I was as frustrated as ever as I made my way back to my car, even the Kanima was an easy one to figure out compared to this mystery!!!

I drove back to Beacon hills, going over and over in my head everything that had gone on. I suddenly missed Stiles, that one, care free week was now all I had to hold on to. I couldn't help but text him, just one quick text wouldn't harm, just one saying 'How are you?' No that wouldn't hurt anyone. Of course I didn't get a reply.

By now I was back in my home town, where the atmosphere was as thick as ever, I wasn't ready to go home yet so I went to the supermarket, I bought my weekly groceries-including some sweets for the inevitable knocks on the door- and put them in the book of my car.

It was dark by now and as I was about to get back into my car I heard a noise behind me, I slowly turn around, very wary. 3 kids stand behind me, costumed up... My soft side came through and I reached into my car for the bag of sweets, keeping my eyes on them, they looked scared but they probably didn't know why themselves, which grounded them. They each took some sweets and placed them in their bags, I decided to scare them for real so I placed the bag back in the car and turned into my wolf self, turning back around... I roared, they ran away screaming!! Well that was fun for a minute.

I made a second attempt to get back into my car, and for the second time, I sensed someone behind me, 'better not be more kids' I thought to myself. Once again, I turn around an I found myself looking straight in to yellow eyes-like fireflies, as Isaac had said.- They really were men in black, like shadows. He placed his hand over my ear and his eyes got brighter as I was slowly falling side ways towards the floor.

I regained consciousness a while later, cold and very irritated. I needed to get home!!! I didn't trust myself to drive so I ran, leaving my car, and my shopping behind.

I stood outside my loft, cars where parked everywhere and there were rather a lot of colourful lights beaming out of my windows!! 'What the fuck is going on.' I thought with anger. Entering my home I see teenagers everywhere, covered in paint. I wasn't in the best of moods when I turned up here, now I'm in an even worse mood.

Walking over to the d.j, I had to put a stop to this. A hand was placed on my chest to stop me.... "The d.j doesn't take requests." The man stated. I didn't care much for his words so I shoved his hand away and started again for the d.j... The hand was once again placed on my chest... "I said, the d.j doesn't take any requests." The man stated once again. "He'll take mine." I spat back, as I picked him up by the neck, throwing up against the wall.

"GET OUT!!!!" I shouted as I flipped the d.j's table. All the drunk, silly teens scrabbled out, bumping into each other on their way. Turning around, I watched them all leave, the shadow men stood waiting too. Once the room was empty, there was a weird calm, Allison and Isaac came in, dragging Ethan with them, Aiden had has arm around a poorly looking Lydia. Scott and Kira stood just apart and just in front of the shadow men. I take a mental note that Stiles is missing.

"Why is he staring at me?" Askes Aiden with shock in his voice. Fair play to him, he stood his ground. Before I knew it, and in a blur of speed, Scott attacks, causing a riot. We all fought the shadow men in our own ways for ages. The sun starts coming up slowly but not in time, they'd gotten to Aiden and he was laid on the floor shivering.

We stood there in silence for ages, each of us thinking our own thoughts on what has just happened. I'd already faced these things once tonight so my thoughts were solely about one thing. Stiles!!

"Where's stiles?" I asked to anyone that was listening.

"He was here." Said Allison with a questioning look on her face. "He was dancing with that lass, oh I forgot her name... The lesbian from Jennifer's sacrifices."


"And kissing... They were all over each other, sat over there...."I felt like I'd been kicked in the gut, I felt an instant hate that I couldn't squash down!! Stiles stilinkski will no longer do this to me!!
"What do you care anyway, I thought you hated him." She said, as Scott and Isaac Shake their heads back and forth, in warning.

"I do." Was all I could say. We fell back in to silence until Scott's phone rang, I instantly recognised the voice on the other end... Stiles.

"Scott, I need to talk to you... Alone." He said before hanging up. He sounded panicked but he was none I my business anymore. We needed to figure out what these shadow men were and what they want.

Ahhhhhhhh!!! I'm so sorry this chapter is rubbish, I've been rushed off my feet!! I'm also sorry for following canon with the story, I always wanted to do a persons point of view. I may get a few things wrong but I hope it's readable anyway :)

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