Chapter 17- whats with possesion anyways?

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My heart seemed to stop at the sight in front of me, when it started again, it came back with a vengeance, it started beating.. 10 to the dozen. This boy in front of me was my Stiles, but not. he didn't look any different but he was different. I forced myself to keep in mind that this was not Stiles, this thing was a monster.

I stood watching the scene as if I was watching a movie, it seemed so surreal. Stiles' dad walked through the door cautiously, slowly letting a pair of hand cuffs slip from his hand, revealing a silent threat.

"You wanna hand cuff me?" Stiles questioned.

"If my son is still here, if there is still a part of him standing in front of me, then he'll pit these on willingly and come with me... because he knows in here to protect him from himself, and from others."

Stiles had his head down, tears threatening to fall- I must admit, even I was falling for this act- The sheriff put the handcuffs on Stiles. We all relaxed slightly, thinking that Stiles ha lead us there to give himself up, that it wasn't an act after all. Stiles then slowly raised his head, all signs of any tears gone, replaced with a smug grin across his face as he looked his dad in the eyes.

"You're not my son."

Stiles laughed then, just a faint giggle bug it have him away. He had a plan, just like we'd originally expected. Alison moved forward then, holding a taser gun, as she pointed it at Stiles, that smirk came back. She shit the taser but he caught it, electric pulsing through his hands but not effecting him in the slightest. He began to pull at the wires until the gun flew across the room.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. my mind started running as fast as my heart was pounding. before I knew what I was doing, I was running at this monster that had taken over my Stiles' body, his mind and personality. He caught me before I could get my hands on him though, twisting my arms behind my back and slamming my face against the table just to the side of us, then throwing me through the air and into a metal pillar. I fell to the ground with a resounding thud.

I didn't move straight away, part of me was hoping that I could get through to Stiles as if what we had was important enough to bring him back, I look up at Stiles totally deflated. He'd already turned his back on me by this point and I started to get back on my feet. By the time I regained my wits, Chris had his gun pointing towards Stiles' head. I could feel my expression change to one of silent pleading, 'he couldn't do this to me could he?' I thought 'not after our little prison conversation.'

"Argent, listen to me, don't do this."

"Why not, I've done it before. Werewolves, Berserkers.. I could easily add a Nogitsune to the list."

Stiles just stood watching the pair arguing, amusement clear in his face. I stood in the background, ready to take Chris on if he tried to squeeze the trigger. We don't want to kill the Nogitsune, that would kill Stiles and in not about to lose Stiles too. Right then, as if he'd been reading my mind, the sheriff pulled his gun out too, pointing it at Chris' head.

"You're not going to shoot my son."

"You said it yourself sheriff, that's not your son."

"Put it down! Put it down!"

"He's going to shoot me, he's going to shoot me dad." stiles butted in, water works back in his eyes.

"Don't listen to him."

"Put... it... down..." stiles looked at Chris then, tears gone almost as fast as they came, and smirked at him. "...Now! do it! PUT THE GUN DOWN!"

"Pull the trigger." stiles taunted.

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