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hello! i'm gnarlyhoe, and this is my Y/N Snape x Draco Malfoy book!

a few things about me:
my favorite color is black & yellow
i have a huge crush on Draco Malfoy
i'm a huge YouTube girlie
what is this thing called the sun? i'm always in the pitch black oblivion of my room
my Hogwarts House is obviously Slytherin
my favorite animal is ALL of them, except spiders—they are satan incarnate
i listen to a lot of music, like, it's my life source
aaand i'm lazy asf

a few things about this book:
i may not post very often or regularly
i do not take suggestions bc I already have the story line set out
there will be TONS of A/Ns (author's notes) bc i apologize for being late a lot
aaaandddd please be patient with me! this book is currently under reconstruction, so some chapters might seem off before i'm completely finished

thank you, and enjoy!

Dad, NO! (Draco Malfoy x Reader) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now