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~Dad, no..~

Harry and I explained the memories to each other. It was a shock for the both of us. My dad was in love with Lily Potter at one point..
"I'm going to the forest." Harry concludes as he stands up. "I'll go with you. I need Voldemort to trust me as much as he can before we both fight him." I explain. Harry just nods his head with uncertainty. We walk down to the main steps area, only to see Hermione and Ron sitting there holding hands. Harry and I smiled at each other as we continued to walk down. They heard us and bolted up. "We thought you had already went to the forest!" Hermione exclaims. "That's where we're going now." Harry says as we walk down the stairs past them. "We?" Ron asks. "Y/N and I. We have business to do." Harry explains. Hermione starts to tear up and cry. "I'll go with you two, too." She mumbled as tears cascade down her cheeks. "No. It's only for Y/N and I." Harry says sternly. "Why is Y/N such a big part in this all of a sudden?" Ron asks rudely. "I'll explain it all later, but Tom Riddle is my uncle. My mother was his sister." I explained quickly. Hermione and Ron's jaws drop. Hermione rushes over to Harry and hugs him tightly. "I'll miss you." She whimpers into his shoulder. They release and she attacks me in a big hug. "I'm so sorry Y/N. You're so much better than your uncle, I know you and Harry can defeat him." She whispers as she parts from me. I smile and kiss her cheek. I walk over to Ron and hug him quickly. "I'm sorry about your brother." I console him. He smiles sadly. "I'm sorry about your whole family." I laugh and punch him playfully in the arm. Harry grasps my hand and tugs me, signaling we needed to go. I nodded, smiling at Hermione and Ron. They smile back and sit down on the steps again, huddling together like a cute couple.
Harry and I walk to the Forbidden Forest. Along the way we talk and joke like we used to. We reach the forest and he pulls something out of his jacket pocket. The Golden Snitch. He kisses it and smiles. "I'm ready to die." The Snitch opens up and a dark red stone floats out. It has the Deathly Hallows sign carved into it. He grabs it and looks at me. "The Resurrection Stone." He whispers. "Harry, look." I look around us. Stood around us was Lily Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Andromeda Riddle, and Severus Snape. "D-Dad?" My voice broke as I saw his ghost. He nods and smiles. I rush over to him, trying to hug him, but I immediately go through him. I look up into his eyes as tears fall out of mine. "I miss you.." I whisper as my heart breaks even more. "I miss you too, darling." He smiles sadly. My knees weaken and I feel the numbness coming quickly. "Y/N.." I hear a pretty voice say. I turn my head over and see my mom. She looks beautiful. The numbness subsides as I walk over to her. "I miss you even though I don't remember you." I laugh quietly. She smiles as she places a hand on my cheek. I don't feel it, but I see it and I know it's there. Dad walks over and wraps an arm around her waist, placing his free hand on my shoulder.
"Mom, dad.. Am I going to die?" I whimper out and tears flow down my cheeks. "Maybe sweetheart, but we will be here waiting on you if you do. If you don't, we'll be watching over you until you do. Always." My mom says. I turn my gaze to my dad. "Dad, it hurts me. It hurts me to see you. I miss you so much. I want you back." I whispered as tears flooded my face.
"Be strong, Y/N. I will love you, always." He quotes what he said to me before he died. I smiled sadly as tears dripped from my face. "I'll do you guys proud, okay?" I say softly as I place my hands on top of there's.
"You already did, darling." Dad says with a smile. "Y/N, we have to go." Harry intervenes. I look over my shoulder at him and nod. "Always?" I ask. "Always." My mom and dad say in unison. I smile as I walk over to Harry. "You ready?" I ask him. "Ready." He confirms. I take a deep breath as I place my wand against Harry's throat and my other hand on his shoulder tightly. We start walking until we see Voldemort and a group of Death Eaters. Harry pretends to be struggling as I push him along. Voldemort smiles and walks forward. "Good job, Y/N. You did spectacular." He congratulates me. I bow as I throw Harry forward. "You may go back to find Draco." Voldemort dismisses me. "Yes, my lord." I say as I apparate back to Hogwarts. I start walking through a dark hall until I hear crying. I walk towards the sound until I see Draco huddled up in a ball against the wall. "Draco?" I ask cautiously. His head shoots up and once he sees me, his whole body tackles me in a big hug. "Oh thank Merlin you're alright! I thought you had d-died." Draco sniffles. "I haven't died yet but you're kinda' crushing me so I might die soon." I giggle. Draco chuckles as he lifts off of me, standing up and reaching his hand down for some assistance. I grab his hand and he pulls me up. I collide with him as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and push him up against the wall. He moans when his back hits the cold surface. We have a full make-out session, only releasing when we heard a commotion going on outside. Draco grabs my hand and drags me outside to see Voldemort and what was left of his Death Eater army. "Neville, who's Hagrid carrying?" Ginny asks. "Harry Potter!" Voldemort cackles. "NOOO!" Ginny screams as she runs towards Harry. Her father catches her and drags her back. "Stupid girl. Your precious Harry Potter.. IS DEAD!" Voldemort bellows. Every Death Eater laughs maniacally. "Now, you will put your faith in me. Join me or die." Voldemort says maliciously. "Draco." We hear Lucius call out nervously. "Draco, come here." Lucius calls again. "Draco, Y/N. Come." Narcissa outstretches her arms for us. Draco can resist his father, but never his mother. Draco holds my hand as we walk forward, everyone's eyes on us. I release Draco's hand and nod for him to go ahead. "Well done Draco." Voldemort congratulates as he gives Draco one of the most awkward hugs I've ever seen. Draco walks over and hugs him mom, quickly turning his attention to me. "Y/N, come on." Voldemort demands softly. I'm suddenly filled with courage and I find my inner voice.
"No." I say blatantly. "No? Why not?" Voldemort asks impatiently. "You killed my friends,--" I took a step forward. "--you killed Harry,--" another step. "--you killed my mother,--" another step. "--AND YOU KILLED MY FATHER! YOU KILLED EVERYONE I'VE EVER LOVED AND NEEDED. HOW DARE YOU ASK ME TO COME OVER TO YOUR SIDE. HOW CAN YOU KILL YOUR OWN SISTER, MY MOTHER, AND THEN EXPECT ME TO JUMP INTO YOUR ARMS?" I screamed. I spun around and looked at the crowd of students behind me. "THAT'S RIGHT. TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE IS MY UNCLE!" I shouted as I spun back around to face Voldemort. Gasps were heard from everywhere. "IN THE NAME OF MY FATHER AND MOTHER, I WILL KILL YOU." I shrieked. Voldemort raised his wand towards me, but was interrupted by the eruption of cheers from behind me.
Harry sprung to life and shot a spell at Nigini. Voldemort started shooting spells at Harry until finally he made it inside. Voldemort apparated away to go find Harry as most of the other Death Eaters apparated away in fear. Bellatrix looked furious. "COME BACK! COME BACK YOU COWARDS!" She screamed at them. My vision switched over to Draco and his parents who were beginning to run away. I could see him pull away from Narcissa's grasp as he ran towards me. He finally stopped in front of me, grabbing my face with both of his hands and kissing me. The sounds of the war going on around us were drowned out by the feeling of the kiss. We parted and he smiled. "I love you Y/N. Come with us.." He mumbled as he kissed me again. We parted and I smiled sadly. "I can't. I have to help Harry defeat Voldemort. It was erased from the prophecy but it first spoke of a boy and a girl would have to work together to defeat him. I'm his niece, Draco." I explained in a sad tone. His eyes filled with tears as he kissed me one last time. "Let me help you then." He whimpered as he stared into my eyes. "I don't want you to get hurt, Draco." I wiped a tear away from his cheek. "And I don't want you to get hurt. You came into this war because you didn't want me and your father to get killed. Your father died, now it's just me. Besides, you said it yourself. We work together in this." He flipped us around to where we're back to back. We start firing off spells left and right at the left over Death Eaters. I killed a few and helped some students that were losing their balance.

All of a sudden, Voldemort and Harry appear in the middle of the grounds. This is my time to help.

Dad, NO! (Draco Malfoy x Reader) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now