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It's bonus ODD STORY time, with a live reading by me ODD: Over the summer I visited my college for the first time in 3 years and I found an honest to God cult had sprung up on the campus. Now this cult wasn't your standard satanic ritual kind, no it was a cult worshipping a literary character, specifically Hodor. As soon as I set foot on campus I was swarmed with a dozen cultists demanding I "submit to the Lord's will or be branded a heretic". Instead of trying to escape and most likely get into a cross campus chase, I followed them to their "lair" where they had about thirty speakers looping the word Hodor. I ended up escaping after a couple minutes and ran into one of the "heretics" turns out the entire campus split into five different cults all fighting over who would "sit the Iron Throne" there was a Daenerys cult filled with shirtless men and blonde women, a Jon Snow cult filled with a bunch of angsty new college students and a dozen professors, a Tyrion cult that demanded I get drunk(I agreed to that, so I don't remember who was in it), and a Jaime & Briene cult filled with handsome men and rather plain women. I spent the three days I visited the campus out running the Hodor, Jon, and J&B cults will getting drunk with the Tyrion cult and on the way off the campus I had to wave the gun from my car at the Hodor cult to stop them from kidnapping a kid in a wheelchair and proclaiming him Brandon Stark reborn.

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