oh my gEeZus

33 5 13

Trunks: *is poking my cheek* poke. Poke poke poke poke poke

Goten: *poking my other cheek* poke. Poke poke poke poke poke

Glad you guys are entertained on this long boring car trip back home.. *sighs and rubs my temples slowly*

Trunks and Goten: o3o.. *poke poke poke poke poke*

Vegeta: What are you guys doing T_T

Trunks: Poking the life outta Geta cuz we're bored as heck o3o

Goten: what he said owo

Vegeta:...... *pokes my forehead* poke poke poke poke

oh great. *sits there with my arms crossed, annoyed* -_-;

Well I guess I can't blame them. I've been in this car for I dont even know how long but I'm just so tired and sleepy and bored and sad.
We left at 5am for my little sister and my brothers cross country race in L.A. and it's 1:49 and we're not even home yet.

Goku: oh heh your parents said we're going to your little brothers soccer game now o3o so just-


Trunks and Goten: *hides behind Vegeta* ;~;

I AM nOT goINg oVEr thERe yOU bESt tuRn thIs dAmN cAR AROUND AND TAKe me hOOme daD-

Vegeta:*hides behind Goku* o-o

BeFORE i drAG mYSelf hOMe alOng wIth thE reSt oF thE faMily CUZ I Do nOT WANNA BE ANYWHERE BESIDES hOMe rIGht nOw

Goku: @_@ help help help-

I wAANa fUCKinh slEEP AND eaT I AM tIRed I jUst waNna be alOne wiTh mY daMn caTS- *starts ranting*

Trunks: yeaaa.. shes gonna be here for a while.. so

Goten: *gives everyone food* just take it and run before she notices you're here-

heY rEaDer-

Trunks and Goten: yEet *they jump out the window*

Vegeta: *throws Goku out the window and jumps out also* fuck this shit im out~

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