Chapter 5: Time to Go Home, Cinderella

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I put music on full blast with my headphones on, before exiting the school. I decided to walk home, rather than taking a cab as usual.

"Hey Paul." I greeted the doorman as the first thing.

"Long day?" He asked kindly. He was the nicest person that I've ever met.

"Good day." I winked.

Dad was already home when I got there. Which was a major surprise. He never gets off work early. I had no idea how Claire can stand that.
Wait, was I feeling empathy towards Claire?

"I'll be right back." I threw my bag on the couch and ran nextdoor.

I knocked on the door once and opened the door. Zara, a.k.a. Nicki's mom, smiled knowingly and pointed at Nicki's room.
One time, Zara told me in full confidentiality, that Nicki doesn't make friends easily. Even the ones she does make, she never invited them to her place. Instead they always either went out or went to their places.

"Nicks." I burst into her room without so much as a knock.

"Jaime invited us to a party. April is gonna join us too. You in?" I asked.

"Hells yeah, I'm in . I've been waiting to meet her for what now? 2 weeks?" She asked.

"Whatever. Now come convince my dad to let me go." I got off her bed and ran towards my place, followed by her.

"Dad. We were wondering if we could go to a friends party tonight." I cut right to the chase.

"You're grounded." Dad stated. But Claire stared at him and cleared her throat.

"But it's a party, honey." Dad complained to her.

"She's a teenager. She's finally making friends. Besides, Nicki's going to be there. It's not a school night." Claire was backing me up. I should start being a little nicer to her. Nicki looked at me and made a face, we were both thinking the same thing.

"Fine. Be home by 10." Dad said sternly.

"Eli!" Claire said.

"Then what?" Dad asked.

"Be home by midnight. No drinking." Claire was the one who ordered this time.

"No sex." Dad said, making all of us say his name at the same time.


Nicki and I called April before we headed to the mall. Nicki had this great idea that we had to dress the prettiest, so we needed shopping.

Neither Nicki, nor April would shut up about Jaime. And how we were so good together.
Nicki, who normally never talks to new people, hit it off right away with April. But then again, April did have that efect on people.


<MyWorld♡: So whats the verdict? Still grounded or are do I need to come get you?>

I saw the text while we were getting ready. All 3 of us were at my place, doing our hair and make-up.

<Me: Come get us in 20?>

<MyWorld♡: Alright. Can't wait to see you. Kisses.>

I laughed to myself and put the phone down.

"See. I told you she's falling for the guy." April said to Nicki.

"Shut up. I just met the guy." I said glaring.

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