Chapter 4-Needing a New Plan and Fast

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Chapter 4

Needing a New Plan and Fast

The moment Hope came back after the agonizing hours she has been gone we all look at her, grief is on her face. Not something we want to see. "Well?" Ceath asked.

She shook her head, "I couldnt get anything but..."

"But what?" The guys say and stand up.

"Her parents were there. Her mom was talking about how bad she felt and her father tried to comfort her. He said Clare will be ok and they promised they wouldn't harm her."

That's when everyone looked at each other. Her partner must have something to do with this. "Oh my god!" Ceath got up and we all look at him confused. "Her mom works for the government! She has to know where she is! A whole bunch of government guys were there that night." We just stared at him and he sighs. "She said she felt bad for something she had done to Clare that night. Her parents didn't know she was there."

"What are we going to do, just walk up to them and ask where their daughter is so we can save them?" Fang gets up. "No we can't, her parents would probably do the same to us like they did to Clare."

"Not to me," He growled, "They know and trust me. The-"

"They will expect something though," I interrupted. He looks at me really madly. "Don't you think it would be kinda strange if your daughters friend walked up to you and asks about their daughter. You say they didn't know she was here, but you did. They would also think how did you know and-"

"Yes, keep pointing out the flaws I made. Doesn't mean we can't come upwith something else." He snaps.

"Boys!" Delora yelled. We look at her. "Stop this bickering! Every second you guys are fighting Clare is in more danger!" That moment we stopped bickering and nod. "Good," she looks at Nightmare. "Can you speak or sense her yet?"

He shook his head. "Our connection hasn't changed but let me see if I can reach her." He fell silent. Then we all heard Clare's voice the same way we hear Nightmares.

"Oh my god! Nightmare!" She sounded really paniced but happy to hear a familiar voice. I couldn't help but have a slight smile hearing her voice.

"Clare, are you ok?!"

"Yes and no." She says with a slight sigh and not so panicked.

"What's wrong? What are they doing to you?!"

"Nothing...yet. I just woke up and a guy was just asking me questions. He showed me what happened at the dance." Suddenly she sounded like she was crying but Nightmare pulled her away from us.

I look at him and he glares at us. I needed to make sure she was ok and he pulled her away. "Guys," Alex says and we look at him and he shakes his head. "He needs to speak to her alone. We can't help her, only her dragon can give her moral support."

He was right. We probably couldn't talk to her. But it was good enough to hear her voice. Even though it wasn't the very happy tone. We, Ceath, Fang and I look at each other with death looks. Knowing it's going to take more then save her to win her over and risk our selves. But fighting now, would cost Clare's life.

We all heard foot steps go up to the door followed by a loud knock. "Open up! Its the police!!!"

Oh god! Whats going to happen?! ;) See y'all next time

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