Chapter Twenty: Age Nine

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AN: If anyone is curious about what happened when Illumi and Hisoka left together feel free to read the lemon here:
All future lemons involved in this story will be separate because they're not crucial to the story, but I know some people might be interested. Thanks for all the votes and reads!

Killua was going through a traumatic period in his life. He was banned from interacting with you as intimately as he always had. No more sleeping together, no more cuddling and no more playtime. His life was now fully devoted to assassination training. Training itself had been going fine, even though it was now his father that was in charge rather than Illumi. This meant however, that they were sparring. Today it wasn't going well. Tt was becoming deadly. The reason why laid with you.

Zeno had been training you privately, since you were of course no assassin. Your training was also going well. Your scythe had become lethal and your heart had become cold. Ever since Illumi had come back, something had changed. He was more calm, more emotionless. He no longer addressed you unless required. And this strange man kept coming around. He looked like a magician and spoke in such a funny way that you had to avoid him, just to avoid a fit of laughter. Today though, you were angry at him, angry at them both. As you sliced at Zeno with your scythe, the events of your day replayed in your head.

You walked around the hallways holding Killua and Kalluto's hands. It was almost time for training and you always liked to personally drop the boys off. This time however, Killua asked to drop by his Aniki's room. Sure, you thought, what harm could that do? But you made a mistake today. You hadn't held onto Killua's hand tightly enough and he raced ahead and flung open the door. There laid Illumi, beneath Hisoka with his legs up in the air.

"Care to join?" Hisoka had asked. Instead of finding a witty response however, your eyes filled with tears and you grabbed both boys under your arms and ran away. You had never cried in front of the boys and they did their best to comfort you with what little they understood. But they had to get to training so you had to get over it.

And fighting with Zeno was how you were going to do it.  That is, until you heard Killua screaming.

"You made her cry! You made YN-san cry because you are so mean to her! You're only nice to that creepy old man!" He yelled out, followed by a more carnal scream. Killua was trying to kill Illumi and Illumi knew it. It wouldn't have been anywhere near possible except when he heard that you had cried over this, he faltered. This allowed Killua the deadly advantage he needed. Sharpening his nails, he drove his hands towards Illumi's heart, getting about a centimeter into his body before Silva appeared and grabbed his hand.

"Absolutely not." Silva bellowed. "We do not kill each other, even when given," he looked pointedly at Illumi, "a clear opening. You're going to the punishment room for this." Illumi sucked in his breath. He hated this. He caused this. YN hated him, Illumi himself was incredibly embarrassed to have been caught in such a submissive position with another man, and now Killua was going to get punished.

"-- and Illumi, you will be doing the punishment."

Ah, he thought to himself, so that is my punishment. How cruel. But that's the rules.

Illumi whipped Killua for an hour. He tried desperately to go easy, but Silva had stayed to watch him administer the punishment. Holding back tears was the hardest thing Illumi had to do. That was, until he noticed his son looking at him with a hard, cold look, trying his best not to cry.

You on the other hand, were freely sobbing. Your child was getting punished for trying to protect you. If only you hadn't been so eager to please Killua this morning. Or so eager to see stupid Illumi-sama. You thought sourly. It took you nearly a half hour to calm down and think about why you were so upset. After all, he hadn't broken his promise. He hadn't been with any other woman as far as you knew.

Finally, it was over. Silva left and Illumi expected you to rush in at any moment; but you didn't. Clearly, you had been banned from coddling Killua like you usually did. So Illumi made his way over to release Killua. 

Killua was now avoiding eye contact and tears had begun to fall down his face. After being released, Illumi brought Killua close to him. Then, the tears truly came. Sitting down and cuddling, Killua wept and yelled at Illumi.

"I hate you Aniki! I hate you so much!"

Illumi whispered back, almost inaudibly, "I hate me too."

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