Chapter Thirty-Two: In A Deep Hole

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"I was sloppy." Illumi explained to Hisoka.

As the two men talked, you simply waited around, playing with the hemophilic butterflies. You watched as Illumi dug a hole, presumably to rest in.

"Well, I'll just sleep here until the final day." He glanced over towards you, debating whether he wanted to sleep with you as well. It would mean that Killua would be left to himself, but then again, it would also mean he would get to be pressed up against your body. A place he really enjoyed.

"Have you found your target yet, Hisoka?"

"Not yet~ Enjoy your nap, Illumi dear~"

Illumi motioned for you to come over. Hisoka frowned, but figured there was nothing he could do about it. It was your reward for capturing your own prey early enough and he could accept that.

"Come sleep with me, YN. You must be tired, watching our Kil all the time."

"You watch Killu more than I do and I'm sure of it. You probably know exactly where he is right now."

"Perhaps I do, but that's besides the point. Come sleep with me. Please."

It was highly uncharacteristic for Illumi to beg for something like that. He must be exhausted. Like father, like son, I suppose.

"Mmm, alright." You dropped into the hole, and Illumi filled the top up, leaving a small hole for air.

It was dark, damp and cozy squished next to Illumi, and before long, you felt your head drift onto his chest and his head onto your own. Within seconds of this, his breathing became rhythmic.

You on the other hand, had a busy mind.

What am I doing with him?  There's no way we can keep doing this when we return home. And it's not like this relationship can even go anywhere. I'm not an assassin. It doesn't matter that we have a kid together. It doesn't matter that we love each other. It doesn't matter if I'd rather die than be without him, even if he is stupid sometimes.

"Stop worrying, YN, I can hear your heart beat increase."

"I can't help it. I think about the future."

"What makes you feel better?"


Ba-dump.  Illumi's heat beat extra loud. You were... too cute for him. His face blushed lightly and he wrapped his arms tighter around you. For the umpteenth time, the thought "this is nice" crossed his mind. Maybe... maybe he could go further. Maybe you could become an assassin. Or maybe your families' bond was enough. He'd talk to Silva... no Zeno... about his options. Maybe they could work something out because the feeling of you pressed against his body, sharing your feelings for him was something he could never get sick of.

"Well then I'll hold you close. Please. Try to get some sleep."

You tried. You really did. But you had a lot on your mind. For the next half a day, you allowed Illumi some time to sleep. But there came a point where you became so bored you couldn't take it anymore.

"So we're alone." You mumured.

"Yes." Illumi responded lightly.

"In this hole."




"I want to have sex with you."

A/N: Thanks for all of the support! Optional lemon available at:

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