Andy Biersack Imagine for Anyone

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"You're nothing to me! You're just trash!" My boyfriend, Andy, screamed at me. "I never loved you!" He screamed full venom in his words.

The words were going to clearly break my heart. They were clearly going to cause the tears in my eyes to form. They were clearly pushing me past my breaking point, into where I couldn't feel anything anymore.

He kept screaming things at me, making me feel even more worthless than what I had already felt.

I just kept taking the painful words in as he kept screaming them at me. The more this went on, the more pain went through me.

Just then Andy's ex-girlfriend, Juliet, walked in. "Ugh, you're just now breaking up with this worthless," she said, trying to figure out the next word to say, "whore." She said, finally figuring out the word to say.

"Yeah, pathetic right?" He said laughing at me. They soon both started laughing at me, they laughed at me as if I belonged in the circus.

They continued laughing at me, continuing as the sound turned more wicked, more cruel.

I woke up from my sleep, screaming. I sat up from the bed covered with sweat. I looked around, looking for Andy, but I couldn't find him anywhere, it seems he was just gone.

"Andy?" I asked looking around the room worriedly. But then I realized that my dream was real. Andy did cheat on me and he did cheat on me with Juliet.

I haven't seen Andy in almost four months. I heard he was doing great with Juliet.

As soon as Andy broke up with me, I immediately lost contact with everyone from the band, and everybody who had something to do with the band.

I sighed slipping from what used to be me and Andy's bed, now just mine. I walked to my bathroom, me having to pee. I walked in, sat down, loosing the feeling to pee went away very quickly.

Why am I so worthless? Why am I not worth anybodies time? I thought, the tears running down my face.

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know what Andy ever saw inside me, but I do know why Andy cheated on me.

Ring, ring, ring

I looked out of my bathroom door in confusion. I walked out of my bathroom, looking at my alarm clock. 3:51 it read.

The bell rang again, it's noise annoying me slightly. I walked out of my bathroom, the noise bothering the fuck out of me as the person kept ringing it.

"Who are you and why're you fucking ringing my doorbell multiple times?!" I shouted at them as I opened the door.

There he stood, there stood Andy. I felt as if my heart got ripped out of my chest and shattered on the ground. But I smiled a bit as I saw the tears rushing down his face, the look as if he had been stabbed.

"Juliet, sh-she cheated on me." He sobbed out. I felt my heart beat in my chest, slower than probably normal. My heart started beating at the pace of what a cruel, and wicked monsters. Monsters who are coldhearted pieces of shit.

"It sucks, doesn't it?" I said, my smirk growing by the second. He looked at me, the tears in his eyes going down his cheeks quicker than anything.

"Are you that fucking coldhearted to where I can't even stay here?!" He shouted, the anger in his eyes replacing his tears.

"Are you so fucking coldhearted that you cheated on me after a 3 year relationship?! Are you that fucking coldhearted to make feel worthless?!" I shouted back, refusing to take any of his shit.

I shut the door in his face and headed back to my bedroom. He can go sleep in a fucking hotel, not in my house.

I laid my head on my pillow and tried to go into a peaceful sleep. All I had was thoughts of Andy going through my head and I didn't want any of them.

"Y/N?" I heard Andy's voice ring through my ears. It has to be a dream, I didn't let him into my house, I definitely didn't let him into my room. "Y/N. . . Are you awake?" He questioned.

"Get the fuck out of my room, get the fuck out of my house, and get the fuck out of my life." I said venom full in my voice.

Who the fuck does he think he is coming into my house like that?! I thought as I heard my bedroom door close.

I then felt my bed dip and my covers were lifted. "I refuse to leave you." Andy whispered into my ear. I flinched and tried to get out of my bed, but failed to do so because Andy put his arm around my waist.

"Let me go you fucking prick! You cheated on me! What makes you think I want you back?!" I shouted my heart pounding at the touch of him.

"I know you still love me and I still love you." He said his blue eyes seeming to glow in the light of the moonlight.

"If you love me you wouldn't have cheated on me, what kind of man does that? Let me guess a," I said thinking of what to say to hurt him. "fucking pussy."

I felt him scoot closer to me as his eyes seemed to follow my every move, take in my every breath, read my every thought.

"I know you love me." He said his eyes squinting, showing me he was smiling. He was right, I do still love him.

Before I could respond he crashed his lips upon mine. I felt the sparks I had felt when he kissed me the first time.

"This is our new beginning," he said finding the words. "but we'll be together till the end." He said holding me closer to him than what I ever remember.

"I-I do love you Andy." I stuttered.

"And I love you too Y/N." He said as I closed my eyes and entered sleep.

No nightmare.

Just the one I love beside me.

Hopefully forever and always.

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