Ryan Seaman Imagine for @xAustinCarlilex

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I groaned as I walked off stage, it was fucking hot outside. Warped Tour will most likely be the death of me, that or the attractive drummer for Falling In Reverse.

"You girls did a fucking fantastic job!" Ronnie said greeting us. Our lead singer, Leigh, giggled and nodded. Leigh's always had a major crush on Ronnie, but she's scared to even talk to him.

"T-Thanks," she sighed happily looking at the ground.

"You did awesome, Em!" Ryan said greeting me with a hug. Oh God, I'm all sweaty and gross, how the fuck can he do this?

"Thanks, you won't do to bad yourself!" I chuckled pulling away from the hug. He let out a little chuckle and started walking on stage. "Good luck!" I shouted throwing my guitar pick at him.

"Thanks, I'll keep this for good luck!" He laughed as he picked it up and put it in his pocket. I rolled my eyes and walked away with the others, wishing everyone else luck.

When I walked passed Derek, I decided to joke with him. "Hey, be careful don't break your leg again." I said as he carefully walked by me. I continued walking until I felt something incredibly painful hit my ass.

I yelped in pain and heard Derek laugh. He kicked me in the ass! "If I break my leg at least I got that in!" I heard him laugh as he walked on the stage.

"Jack ass." I mumbled as I caught up with the others. We were going to go to Falling In Reverse's tour bus.

I was already planning on getting revenge on Derek, good thing I knew where his bunk was.

"Em, why the fuck do you and Ryan always flirt with each other?" Leigh asked with annoyance. I rolled my eyes at her and headed on to their bus, the male scent taking control of my nostrils.

"Fucking disgusting pigs." I gagged. I walked to the kitchen, looking for the biggest bowl I could find. As soon as I found it I immediately filled it with water.

I walked to Derek's bunk and just dumped all of the water on it. I went back and refilled it. I did this multiple times and just poured the water everywhere.

Paybacks a bitch. I thought an evil smirk creeping on my face. The others didn't say anything, nothing at all.

"Hey, they're coming!" Tessa, our bassist screamed. I threw the bowl back up into the cabinet. I high-fived her and jumped on the couch.

"Hey guys!" Am exhausted Jacky exclaimed. Surprisingly Jacky wasn't shy of us, which made us a lot more comfortable being around the guys.

"How'd you do?" I asked. Jacky shrugged his shoulder and went to his bunk. "Whoa, how'd you like to go against each other in guitars?" Jacky asked a devious smile.

Just then the rest of the guys came on the bus, my eyes instantly caught with Ryan's. I blushed but it was soon replaced as my eyes caught with Derek's. My mind automatically went back to what I did to his bunk, a evil smirk found it's way to my bunk.

"Alright, I'm going to my bunk because you're one scary piece of shit." Derek said giving me a dirty look as my smile grew wider.

I grabbed Jacky's guitar and started playing a couple cords, that was until we all heard a girlish scream.

I gave Jacky the guitar and let him play a couple of cords. "Which one of you fucks put water in my bunk?!" Derek screamed making eye contact with me.
"Ok, um, I've gotta go!" I said giving Jacky a kiss on the cheek and getting up. "Bye!" I screamed and ran towards the bus door.

"Ryan, get her!" Derek screamed, causing my attention to go to Ryan.

Dodge him, dodge him! I screamed mentally. Dodging him though, failed miserably.

"Fuck!" I cried out as Ryan wrapped his arms around me. I don't want to get Derek's revenge, my ass still hurts from when he kicked it!

"Who wants a hug?" Derek asked opening his arms open wide. I struggled in Ryan's arms, but he just tightened them.

"Em wants a hug!" They all shouted in unison. Ryan kept pushing me towards a soaking wet Derek. Ryan then unwrapped his arms and gave me a little push towards Derek.

"C'mere baby girl!" He cooed as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. He wrapped his soaking wet arms around me and squeezed me. The water easily soaked into my clothes.

"You fuck!" I screamed getting free. I was just as soaking wet as he was. I groaned and gave them all a dirty look. "I'm going to change." I grumbled as I started walking off the bus.

"Wait, I'm coming with you!" I heard Ryan's voice scream from behind me. I sighed and just kept walking. "Hey, why're you so pissed about it? It was just a joke!" He said nudging his shoulder against mine.

"Nothing," I sighed as I continued to walk. We both walked in silence as we were quiet a few buses down from theirs.

It took us only a couple minutes, but I got a few whistles in the process. Men are such fucking perverts, I wish my clothes weren't so tight.

"Hey babe, you wanna meet up at my place tonight?" I heard a guy say from a distance.

"Hey, fuck off! She's fucking mine you sick bastard!" Ryan shouted flipping the dude off.

"Thanks," I mumbled under my breath as we had gotten to the bus. I opened the door and got on. I always kept my suitcase on the bus while everyone kept theirs underneath it. Don't judge me.

I got to my bunk and looked underneath it. We always had a spare bunk and it's where I kept all of my stuff. I opened one of my suitcases and got out a Of Mice & Men shirt, a pair of blue skinny jeans, and a pair of grey Vans.

I immediately stripped my shirt, not caring if my bra was a bit wet. I slipped on the shirt and heard Ryan clear his throat behind me.

"Huh?" I asked turning around as I already unbuttoned my pants.

"You really have no shame, do you?" He laughed as I slipped my pants off. I shook my head grabbed the pants off my bunk.

I slipped on the pants and threw the wet clothes in the corner of the bottom bunk. I slipped off my soaking wet shoes and slipped on the Vans.

"E-Em?" I heard Ryan question from behind me. I turned around and saw he had my diary.

"Give me that!" I screamed lunging at him.

"Na-ah-ah!" He said reading more and more of it. He went to the one I wrote yesterday, of course he's going to be in all of my diary entries.

"Oh, nice!" He smirked as he handed back to me. I groaned and smacked the book against my head. "Hey, don't do that! I feel the same way!" He said hugging me.

He feels the same way?! I thought. I felt him kiss the top of my head, he then proceeded to remove the book from my hands. He wrapped his arms around me and pushed us together. This is a lot better than when Derek hugged me.

"Thanks." He whispered into my ear and kissed me.

I feel like we're gonna be a thing from now on.

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