Andy Biersack Imagine for Anyone

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I'm so confused on the requests at the moment, all of them are jumbled up. Request upon request. So, I decided to do a random Andy Biersack imagine. Why not? Everyone loves Andy! [from my first imagine I did of him.]

I shivered as the cool Autumn air whipped past me. I continued walking, sniffling because of the cold night.

I walked into my apartment building, coming face-to-face with one of my new neighbors, Andy Biersack.

Now, I know what you're thinking, and yes, as in the Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides. You would have probably thought I would have fan-girled, which I did, until I found out he was a complete and utter dick.

"Out late again, Y/N?" He questioned with a mocking voice. He does this to me every single day, which aggravates the shit out of me.

"Yeah," I mumbled under my breath. "Sorry, won't happen again Mom." I pushed passed him and to the elevator.

I heard him chuckle and just as the elevator doors were about to close, he had to get on. I cursed under my breath, he knew he aggravated me, so he got enjoyment out of the whole thing.

"If you were my child," he started. "I would beat you black and blue."

"Trust me," I snapped. "If you were my father, I'd already have committed suicide by now." I watched as the look on his face just seemed to shatter. I don't understand why he's so upset over it, he's a dick to me. Who the fuck would want him as a dad?

As he was about to say something, the elevator doors opened and we were on our floor. I quickly walked out, I didn't want to hear what he had to say, the prick could keep it to himself.

I made it to my apartment door, not even caring about Andy anymore. He was probably already in his apartment, forgetting about the whole elevator thing.

As soon as my door was unlocked and opened, someone pushed passed me and into my apartment.

"What the fuck?" I asked as Andy took a seat on one of my bar-stools. He looked around as if he were interested, which wouldn't make since because my apartment is similar to his.

"Just wanted to talk to you." He answered as he quit looking around and stared at me in the open doorway. I rolled my eyes.

"About what?" I snapped keeping the door open, it's not like he was staying here much longer.

"What happened in the elevator." I mentally groaned, why the fuck now?

Just kick him out and go to bed, he'll forget it by tomorrow morning. I thought to myself.

"Get out," I ordered. I watched as he barely moved, he didn't even flinch. He crossed his legs and continued sitting there.

I groaned and walked into my apartment, slamming the door shut in frustration. I walked past my tiny kitchen and on to my bedroom, where I wanted to be at the moment.

I quickly stripped off my uncomfortable shirt and slipped on a baggy t-shirt, I unbuttoned my tight jeans and slipped on some sweatpants, and I threw my curly hair up into a ponytail.

"Well," I heard a voice behind me say, "I've seen things tonight that I never thought I would see." I jumped and turned around quickly.

"What the fuck, Andy?!" I screamed in embarrassment. This did not just happen, he's never going to let me live this down. Instead of Andy leaving or answering my question, he checked me out.

"Mmm," he groaned. I wanted him to leave me alone, this was disgusting.

"Andy, just fucking leave!" I screamed throwing the first thing my hand grabbed, which just to my luck was a pair of underwear.

"Do you want to fuck?!" He asked biting the inside of his mouth.

I felt digusted, I don't want to fuck him! I grabbed my mouth to keep from getting sick. I could never imagine Andy and I getting it on.

Andy took two steps towards me, leaving only a couple of inches between us. I felt my breath get caught in my throat, I used to like Andy when I was younger, but that was about two months ago. Yes, a lot can change within two months.

I felt Andy take two more steps closer to me, closing the distance between us. He leaned down, reaching my height, his lips connecting with my neck. He picked me up and laid me on the bed, his lips staying on my neck.

His lips then went up my neck, disconnected, and landed on my lips. He grabbed my hips and dug his fingers into my hips.

He then pulled back from my lips and went back down to my neck. Damn, this man knew how to treat a woman.

"Andy," I moaned, causing him to freeze. He pulled away from me and sat beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I've been waiting to do that since I met you." He said, looking at me. I looked at him, the light shining in his eyes perfectly, making the blue in his eyes to seemingly glow. Either way, they were beautiful.

I sighed and tried to stand up, but Andy dragged me down. I gasped, but lost my breath once more as he crawled on top of me.

"You might want to call in sick tomorrow for work." He said winking and started with my neck once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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