Jacky Vincent Imagine for @Jacky_Vincent01

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I put the alcoholic beverage up to my lips, I had a horrible day at work today. Absolute misery, my boss is a huge douche, but the worst part is it's only the beginning of the week.

Fucking prick, why'd I ever apply for this job? I could do so much fucking better. I thought bitterly.

It's also very strange how cruel he is to me, but he's so much sweeter to everyone else. I hate him, I hate my job, and at the moment I hate my life.

"Oh, hey Grace!" I heard someone say as they came up from behind me. I turned around and felt the blood rush from me face.

"M-Mr. Vincent?" I asked a bit shocked at the fact my fucking boss was here. I felt my hopes of getting drunk to forget my shitty life for only a few hours slowly slip away from me. I mean yeah I hate my job, but at the moment I really need the money.

"Oh, outside of work you can call me Jacky!" He said a smile appearing on his face. I frowned at the sight of him, I still couldn't stand the sight of him. Inside and outside of work.

"No, I think I'll just stick to calling you Mr. Vincent." I sassed rolling my eyes. I got up and started to move away, but got caught. I looked back and saw Mr. Vincent's hand covering my wrist.

"Grace," he said giving me a stern look. This is what I was talking about when I meant he treats others nicely. That moment we had a few minutes ago was the only time he had been nice to me. "I want you to stay and I said to call me Jacky." He said pulling me closer to him.

"Mr. Vincent, seriously out of work you're still my fucking boss," I said trying to get out of his grip. "I'm not your fucking girlfriend! Go find her and bother her! Just please, not me!" I said still trying to break his grasp, failing as I tried to do so.

"Oh," he said raising his eyebrow. "I sadly don't have a girlfriend, but you can mine if you want." He said winking.

How about fucking no? I thought cruelly.

I got out of his grasp quickly and immediately slipped away. I was going home, there was no way I was going to stay at this bar while my boss was there!

"Grace!" I heard someone shout from behind me, refusing to look I continued my escape.

I eventually made it outside, I eventually made it to my car, and I eventually made it away from my boss.

It's going to be fucking awkward tomorrow, hopefully he was drunk. I prayed.

As if my prayers came true, Mr. Vincent walked out with a whore on his back. Yep, he was definitely drunk.

"C'mon Grace it's time to get outta here." I said to myself as I closed my eyes because of how exhausted I was.

I started my car and started my drive back home. It was quiet dark, but it felt like someone was following me, which made me feel really uncomfortable.

I decided to look in my rear view mirror and to my luck, there was a car following me. It looked quiet expensive but it looked very similar to Mr. Vincent's car.

I ignored it and continued driving towards my house, it's slightly out in the country, but I honestly don't mind. I can run around my house naked if I wanted to, but I don't.

I took a turn down my road, not realizing the car was still following me. I neared my house relieved I had finally gotten away from my boss.

How could he not fucking tell I was uncomfortable? I thought slightly going confused.

I pulled up into my driveway and then finally noticed the car had followed me. I then started panicking, how could this happen?

I'm going to get raped! Or worse, I could get killed! I thought the tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Grace!" I heard someone shout my name. I refused to look at them, I just closed my eyes and squeezed shut. "Grace!" I heard my name get called again, this time I looked up, I opened my eyes.

"Ryan?" I asked. I looked into his brown eyes. He opened my car door, unbuckled my belt, and pulled me out of my car.

"Are you alright?" I heard another voice say. I looked to my left and there I him. I saw my fucking boss, the prick was standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"Can't you leave me alone for fucking once? You're always on my fucking back, can't you leave me alone for just one fucking minute." I said the tears falling from my eyes.

"I'll just leave you two alone." Ryan said kissing the top of my head. You're probably wondering why Ryan kissed my head, it's because he's basically my brother.

"Grace," he said grabbing the sides of my face. I didn't want to look at him, if I did I'd probably want to kill him. "Look at me." He said forcing me to look into his eyes.

"Mr. Vincent just please," I said begging to him. "I just want you to leave me alone." I begged.

He wiped away my tears, he had never cared for me this much before. "Grace." He sighed, his eyes closing as he said my name.

"What, Jacky?" I said using his real name, maybe then he'd leave me alone. He opened his eyes as I said his first name and smiled.

"I like the way my name sounds when you say it." He said smiling. I smiled back, I felt my tears stop, and I felt my hatred for him slowly slip. "Grace, I, um, I love you." He said the words seeming to slip from his mouth.

"W-What?" I asked caught off by his words. My eyes were widened and my cheeks were still wet from my tears.

"I said I love you." He said kissing me. I didn't respond to the kiss, but soon I started kissing back. His lips were soft, but I felt a small spark.

"Are you sure you love me?" I questioned. He could just be drunk or was just trying to make me feel better.

"Yes, of course I'm sure. Why do you think I'm so tough on you at work? I'm trying so hard not to show my love for you." He said kissing me again. I smiled and felt my heart lift.

"You two finally a thing?" I heard Ryan ask. I looked at Jacky, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at Ryan.

"Yeah, me and Grace are officially now a couple!" He said to Ryan while hugging me.

It was official.

I was dating Jacky Vincent.

But I think I was going to be happy from now on.

Truly happy.

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