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-- Faith's pov--

i wake up on the soft, fluffy surface i cried myself to sleep on. i squint my sore eyes and look around, i'm in the studio, the light still on in the booth, my book on the stand, my laptop off but open on the bench my pen laying next to it. my bag fell over on the floor, a few of my things over the place, a mess just like me.

i get up and walk into the bathroom. i look at my reflection in the mirror, my face is tear stained, my makeup smudged, eyes red and irritated. after disposing of what i need from my body -morning sickness sucks- i wash my face getting rid of as much makeup as i can, i get rid of what hadn't already come off.

i turn of my phone to see hundreds of more missed calls from everyone and texts saying they are worried about me. i gather my things, turn off the lights and get into my car speeding down the street. i pull into the driveway and get out of the car my bag over my shoulder, keys in hand. i walk in through the front door, everyone -except Daniel- was siting in the kitchen/ living area. a dead silence fell over the house and all eyes were drawn to me, not a noise just stares.

i put my keys on the bench as i pass on my way to the stairs. i walk up the stairs a word not said by anyone, i stop in front of the door to mine and Daniel's room. i turn the handle but the door was locked, Daniel's definitely inside. i knock on the door "Daniel, let me in" i know my voice wasn't very loud but i know he herd me.

i hear shuffling and the door to the dark room opens, Daniel stands in front of my, his eyes red and puffy, his face tear stained, he'd been crying and most likely didn't get any sleep. i step into the room, shut the door, drop my bag and look back up at Daniel. we don't say a word, instead he pulls me into a tight hug as i return it. i could feel one of his hands was clutched in a fist on my back, i pull back and move his hand in front of me. i open his fist revealing my rings that were tightly clutched in his had, i look up at him with tears in my eyes.

rather then speaking, he takes my hand and slide the rings back on my finger, "where they belong." my glaze moves from my rings on my finger, where out hands touched, up to meet his as the silence fell over us again. a few tears had rolled down my cheeks at this point, i could see had shed a few tears too -being hormonal really isn't helping me, it just makes me more emotional.

"i'm so sorry, i'm such an idiot, i didn't even let you explain! i'm such a jerk! i should have know that you wouldn't do that, i should have remember what he did to you... i can't make this up to you, i know and i understand if you don't want me and if you never want to talk to me again... but i can't loose you, your my world, my everything, i'm nothing without you... i'm just broken..."

"Daniel, yes you should have let me explain but i should have told you, your me fiancé and you deserve to know. i was scared to tell you because i thought you wouldn't want me, i was scared you would leave me..."

"i would never leave you, i don't care that this baby isn't mine, i know it wasn't your fault. if would care for this baby as if it's my own, i wouldn't leave you, i would raise this child with you"

his words sunk into my mind. i crouch down searching through my bag and pull out the abortion papers. "you promise to raise it with me?"


"it's yours" i say and rip the paper into pieces "all the public need to know is that it's yours, everyone down there should know the truth"

"are you sure you want to tell them?"

"i've kept this a secret long enough, they deserve to know" i reply

"you've kept this to yourself all this time?" he questions looking worried

"no, Jonah found out almost 2 weeks ago" i inform, he grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss before we go down stairs hand in hand. everyone wore a worried or concerned look but i was focused on Jonah, his glaze followed down to where our hands connected and i smile grow on his face.

i pulled my hand out of Daniel's as i ran down to Jonah and jump on him, just like i did 4 years ago on the stage. i hold onto him tightly knowing he will keep me up and not let me fall "you've gained weight" he comments

"no i haven't, i've gained another human" i correct

"wait what?" the 4 girls practically scream, i climb down from Jonah and walk back to Daniel

"i have a tiny human being growing inside my stomach" i explain

"your pregnant?!" everyone -except Jonah and Daniel- scream in surprise, all looking shocked

"rapist don't use protection, they don't care what happens" i state fighting back to tears threatening to spill as that reminded me of the fight Jonah and i had.

"that was like 6 weeks ago" Logan states

"how long have you known?" Sam questions

"i found out the morning in New York, that's what happened at the show, Jonah found out like 2 weeks ago and Daniel yesterday but i didn't go to well, hence my disappearance" i inform

"what's it like?" Christina asks

"morning sickness is a bitch" i reply

"langue" Jonah warns

"last time i checked, i'm allowed to to express my opinion through curses if i wish" i say with attitude

"i don't like you tone young Missy"

"you should way to much like our dad" i mimic his change in tone and everyone erupts into laughter.

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